News archive

Lou Hinterberg, who studies Information Management in Hannover, Germany, will have a ten week internship at Information Systems department at Karlstad University, starting 8th of August, mainly working in the usability lab. Karlstad University is in the process of switching to a new CMS.
Lou Hinterberg, who studies Information Management in Hannover, Germany, will have a ten week internship at Information Systems department at Karlstad University, starting 8th of August, mainly working in the usability lab. Karlstad University is in the process of switching to a new CMS.
In his doctoral thesis, Johan Eklund, lecturer in computer science at Karlstad University, shows how SCTP and multihoming can be applied to real time traffic. Real time traffic is not only dependent on data being delivered correctly, but also on time. Different types of real time traffic have different time demands. Some traffic (hard real-time traffic) is strictly dependent on being delivered on time.
In his doctoral thesis, Johan Eklund, lecturer in computer science at Karlstad University, shows how SCTP and multihoming can be applied to real time traffic. Real time traffic is not only dependent on data being delivered correctly, but also on time. Different types of real time traffic have different time demands. Some traffic (hard real-time traffic) is strictly dependent on being delivered on time.
The synchrotron radiation facility MAXIV in Lund is now officially open. The facility is financed and used by twelve Swedish universities, and one of them is Karlstad University. On 21 June at 13:08:55, with the sun in zenith, the greatest Swedish investment in the research infrastructure ever was inaugurated, the MAX IV Laboratory in Lund.
The synchrotron radiation facility MAXIV in Lund is now officially open. The facility is financed and used by twelve Swedish universities, and one of them is Karlstad University. On 21 June at 13:08:55, with the sun in zenith, the greatest Swedish investment in the research infrastructure ever was inaugurated, the MAX IV Laboratory in Lund.
The synchrotron radiation facility MAXIV in Lund is now officially open. The facility is financed and used by twelve Swedish universities, and one of them is Karlstad University. On 21 June at 13:08:55, with the sun in zenith, the greatest Swedish investment in the research infrastructure ever was inaugurated, the MAX IV Laboratory in Lund.
Computer Science at Karlstad University has successfully recruited a new professor to its excellence research on data security and privacy. Melanie Volkamer works on human factors in security and privacy. - Often it looks like security contradicts usability. That is, the more secure it is, the less usable it is.
Computer Science at Karlstad University has successfully recruited a new professor to its excellence research on data security and privacy. Melanie Volkamer works on human factors in security and privacy. - Often it looks like security contradicts usability. That is, the more secure it is, the less usable it is.
Two Bachelor thesis-students have gotten abstracts accepted to the student conference RAMI Healthcare Informatics in Dublin and one thesis student at B level is working in a research project at Trinity College in Dublin during the summer. Linn Asmussen and Marina Andersson Nyrén who studies the programme Web and Multimedia at Karlstad University have been accepted to do abstract presentations on the student conference RAMI Healthcare Informatics, June 17th in Dublin. Thei
Part of Information Systems visited Nursing Science and their Clinical Centre. On Wednesday the 8th of June, Malin Wik, John Sören Pettersson, Bridget Kane and Henrik Andersson visited Nursing Science and their Clinical Centre. Anders Sidenblad, Nursing teacher and doctoral student at IMH at Linköpings university, hosted a demonstration of their training mannequin. The Clinical Centre trains students in clinical decision making using a realistic mannequin.
Part of Information Systems visited Nursing Science and their Clinical Centre. On Wednesday the 8th of June, Malin Wik, John Sören Pettersson, Bridget Kane and Henrik Andersson visited Nursing Science and their Clinical Centre. Anders Sidenblad, Nursing teacher and doctoral student at IMH at Linköpings university, hosted a demonstration of their training mannequin. The Clinical Centre trains students in clinical decision making using a realistic mannequin.

Hello there Jörg Lenhard!

News » 2016-06-10
Welcome to Karlstad University! You newly started your employment here as a postdoc in computer science. What and where have you studied before you started here in May? In the spring I earned my doctor’s degree in computer science with a specialization in distributed systems at the University in Bamberg, Germany, where I also earned my Bachelor and Master degrees. But this is not my first time in Sweden.