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HITS, the High Quality Networked Services in a Mobile World research project, held its annual workshop 19–20 October.
Hello! I am Lou Hinterberg, and I study Information Management (BA) in Hannover, Germany. This programme is similar to the undergraduate programmes within Information Systems at Karlstad University, e. g. Web and Multimedia. Currently, I complete the 7th semester which is my last semester of my studies. This semester doesn’t include any lectures but an internship with a duration of ten weeks.
Hello! I am Lou Hinterberg, and I study Information Management (BA) in Hannover, Germany. This programme is similar to the undergraduate programmes within Information Systems at Karlstad University, e. g. Web and Multimedia. Currently, I complete the 7th semester which is my last semester of my studies. This semester doesn’t include any lectures but an internship with a duration of ten weeks.
E-Vote-ID is an international and annual meeting for electronic voting specialists from all over the world. This years conference was a great success with two keynotes and over 100 participants, included from as far as Fiji, Ecuador and Australia. Melanie Volkamer, Professor in Computer Science at Karlstad university was part of arranging this years conference which was arranged 18–21 October 2016 in Bregenz, Austria.
E-Vote-ID is an international and annual meeting for electronic voting specialists from all over the world. This years conference was a great success with two keynotes and over 100 participants, included from as far as Fiji, Ecuador and Australia. Melanie Volkamer, Professor in Computer Science at Karlstad university was part of arranging this years conference which was arranged 18–21 October 2016 in Bregenz, Austria.
Prof. John Sören Pettersson was one of the organisers behind the fifth M4D conference, that is, the conference on mobile communication technologies for development arrange biannual by KAU’s Centre for HumanIT.

30 years celebration at CTF

News » 2016-10-20
Thirty years ago CTF, Service Research Center, was established at Karlstad University. How it happened, success factors and the latest from today’s research were included in the program when CTF held its anniversary celebration on October 6th at Karlstad University. Martin Löfgren, Deputy Head at Karlstad Business School at Karlstad University, opened the event and welcomed everyone.

30 years celebration at CTF

News » 2016-10-20
Thirty years ago CTF, Service Research Center, was established at Karlstad University. How it happened, success factors and the latest from today’s research were included in the program when CTF held its anniversary celebration on October 6th at Karlstad University. Martin Löfgren, Deputy Head at Karlstad Business School at Karlstad University, opened the event and welcomed everyone.
Xin Chen ("Albee"), PhD candidate at School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, presented a part of her PhD research. Her research topic is: Smart Communication in Lifestyles under Transformation: Exploring Smart Mobile Devices User Experience among Youth in Hong Kong Xin’s research interests are in user behaviour, user experience, human-computer interaction and industrial design.
Xin Chen ("Albee"), PhD candidate at School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, presented a part of her PhD research. Her research topic is: Smart Communication in Lifestyles under Transformation: Exploring Smart Mobile Devices User Experience among Youth in Hong Kong Xin’s research interests are in user behaviour, user experience, human-computer interaction and industrial design.
This was one of the questions that the IT consultancy firm Tieto tried to sort out when they gave a lecture on the mobile networks in the past and in the future to over 70 IT students at Karlstad University at the autumn semester first Snits lunch. Currently the development of the next generation mobile net 5G is in progress, which will lead to revolutionary changes for users and operators.
This was one of the questions that the IT consultancy firm Tieto tried to sort out when they gave a lecture on the mobile networks in the past and in the future to over 70 IT students at Karlstad University at the autumn semester first Snits lunch. Currently the development of the next generation mobile net 5G is in progress, which will lead to revolutionary changes for users and operators.
Henrik Svensson andSerge Thill, Skövde University, presents a manuscript entitled Beyond bodily anticipation: internal simulation in social interaction (to appear in Cognitive Systems Research). "In this presentation we present a review of internal simulation mechanisms. We contrast the roles they play in human cognition, in particular in the context of social interaction, with robotic implementations.

What is Science?

News » 2016-10-12
Martin Blom, researcher within Computer Science at Karlstad University visited a class of high school students at Thoréns Business School 30 October to answer the question – what is Science? - Science is the chase for truth, says Martin Blom. To find the truth and the answers to specific questions which we search the truth about we use sceintific methods.

What is Science?

News » 2016-10-12
Martin Blom, researcher within Computer Science at Karlstad University visited a class of high school students at Thoréns Business School 30 October to answer the question – what is Science? - Science is the chase for truth, says Martin Blom. To find the truth and the answers to specific questions which we search the truth about we use sceintific methods.
On 8 October the fifth edition of the Karlstad Programming Contest took place. The event is organised by Computer Science at Karlstad University. A record number of teams participated and tried to solve difficult programming tasks. The Karlstad Programming Contest is a leg of the Nordic Collegiate Programming Contest (NCPC), which takes place simultaneously at 19 Nordic universities and university colleges.
On 8 October the fifth edition of the Karlstad Programming Contest took place. The event is organised by Computer Science at Karlstad University. A record number of teams participated and tried to solve difficult programming tasks. The Karlstad Programming Contest is a leg of the Nordic Collegiate Programming Contest (NCPC), which takes place simultaneously at 19 Nordic universities and university colleges.
Xin Chen ("Albee"), research student at School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, presents the main ideas and findings of her forthcoming dissertation. SMART COMMUNICATION IN LIFESTYLES UNDER TRANSFORMATION: EXPLORING SMART MOBILE DEVICES USER EXPERIENCE AMONG YOUTH IN HONG KONG This study’s contributions to the field can be summarised as follows.
For some, anonymity on the internet is a necessity. Researchers at Karlstad University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Princeton University have discovered a new attack against the Tor anonymity network that uses the Domain Name System (DNS). Tor is the world’s largest anonymity network with around two million daily users, and it is used to avoid surveillance and to circumvent censorship online.