News archive

The research group Samot, The Service and Market Oriented Transport Research Group at Karlstad University, has been commissioned to form an innovation cluster to coordinate and stimulate innovation, technology transfer, commercialization and dissemination of information on energy-efficient public transport.
The majority of purchasing decisions are made on location in the store. Even if you already in advance have decided what kind of cereal to buy, it is not until you are in the store that it is determined which cereal box ends up in the basket. Store owners and manufacturers are well aware of this and that is why our stores are filled with various messages for us consumers. The question is, what actually works and how do the consumers react?
The majority of purchasing decisions are made on location in the store. Even if you already in advance have decided what kind of cereal to buy, it is not until you are in the store that it is determined which cereal box ends up in the basket. Store owners and manufacturers are well aware of this and that is why our stores are filled with various messages for us consumers. The question is, what actually works and how do the consumers react?
At the Australian HCI conference this year, we had a shortpaper on important factors that influence the sustainability of Wizard-of-Oz tools. The Wizard-of-Oz method has been utilized to conduct prototyping without programming for several decades. However, a literature review by John Sören Pettersson and Malin Wik (doi: 10.1145/2838739.2838825) reveals that tools supporting the method seem to be decommissioned after just a couple of years.
At the Australian HCI conference this year, we had a shortpaper on important factors that influence the sustainability of Wizard-of-Oz tools. The Wizard-of-Oz method has been utilized to conduct prototyping without programming for several decades. However, a literature review by John Sören Pettersson and Malin Wik (doi: 10.1145/2838739.2838825) reveals that tools supporting the method seem to be decommissioned after just a couple of years.
Benneth Christiansson who works not only at the univeristy but also at Redpill shares his work life experience at this seminar. I will present the fenomenon "API MAnagement" and its importance for IoT. I will also present some examples of how we help customers understand and utlise API Management.   Presentation and dicsussion will be held in Information System's coffee room, 1A349, from 1:15PM on Wednesday December 9.
PhD candidate Sanna Ketonen-Oksi from Tampere University of Technology will be visiting CTF between December 2-9. She is interested on how CTF researches have approached the service based thinking and B2B value creation related research. Sanna Ketonen-Oksi is s a 3rd year PhD candidate in Business and Technology Management at Tampere University of Technology.
PhD candidate Sanna Ketonen-Oksi from Tampere University of Technology will be visiting CTF between December 2-9. She is interested on how CTF researches have approached the service based thinking and B2B value creation related research. Sanna Ketonen-Oksi is s a 3rd year PhD candidate in Business and Technology Management at Tampere University of Technology.
Together with the University College in Hedmark, Norway, Karlstad University has received a grant for a 3-year project about development of IT support for crisis training. Monika Magnusson and other researchers from Information System will play essential roles in this project. Joint training is an important factor for a well-developed readiness to handle crises.
With increasing mobility and Internet use, the demand for digital services has increased and already reached critical and high assurance domains like e-Government, e-Health, and e-Business.
With increasing mobility and Internet use, the demand for digital services has increased and already reached critical and high assurance domains like e-Government, e-Health, and e-Business.
Dispate the darkness of November, two students from the newly completed User Testing course brought Innovation Park to the university's usability lab. Picture from the visit: it is Erik Högberg and Joakim Norrman who demonstrates Ozlab for Patrick Standfast from Innovation Park.  Erik Högberg works as student expert at Drivhuset which is located at Innovation Park.   Photo: Erik Framner.
Dispate the darkness of November, two students from the newly completed User Testing course brought Innovation Park to the university's usability lab. Picture from the visit: it is Erik Högberg and Joakim Norrman who demonstrates Ozlab for Patrick Standfast from Innovation Park.  Erik Högberg works as student expert at Drivhuset which is located at Innovation Park.   Photo: Erik Framner.

New Business database

News » 2015-11-26
Macrobond contains global and historical economic data. Macrobond is available on seven computers in the library. The computers are marked with Macrobond and you will find them next to the Learning lab on floor three. Contact the library staff for log in

New Business database

News » 2015-11-26
Macrobond contains global and historical economic data. Macrobond is available on seven computers in the library. The computers are marked with Macrobond and you will find them next to the Learning lab on floor three. Contact the library staff for log in
Mohammad Rajiullah explains how resons delays can be meassured and why long response times cannot be fixed by increasing bandwidth. Students are in particular welcome! 11D257, 13-15, November 30th.   Mohammad Rajiullah recently defended his doctoral thesis in Computer Science here at Karlstad University. The presentation will not included the most advanced technical details but still explain what are the technical difficulties of lowering web sites' latency.      
Touch, swipe, och adjustments in the user interface for shell builders and wizards - these are things that some students presently are helping the Ozlab group with. The web-based Ozlab is now in the process of being further developed to match the needs and requirements arising from the use of mobile units, e.g. swiping functionality and other finger gestures on touch screens.
Touch, swipe, och adjustments in the user interface for shell builders and wizards - these are things that some students presently are helping the Ozlab group with. The web-based Ozlab is now in the process of being further developed to match the needs and requirements arising from the use of mobile units, e.g. swiping functionality and other finger gestures on touch screens.
Robert Eklund, Linköping University (before this at Telia Sonera), presented course material and experiences about the methodology used in the development of interactive systems, in particular as regards language-based interaction at a seminar November 06, 2015. At an extended seminar a whole lot was discussed: the Ozlab group and Eklund went through a 2h guest lecture for students and then the discussions centred around various research problems, not the least the circum
Robert Eklund, Linköping University (before this at Telia Sonera), presented course material and experiences about the methodology used in the development of interactive systems, in particular as regards language-based interaction at a seminar November 06, 2015. At an extended seminar a whole lot was discussed: the Ozlab group and Eklund went through a 2h guest lecture for students and then the discussions centred around various research problems, not the least the circum