News archive

A CCS-presentation on Swedish climate politics and implementation by our director Mikael Granberg was recently highlighted in the Times of India. The Centre for Climate and Safety Director Mikael Granberg has just returned from travelling in India.
A CCS-presentation on Swedish climate politics and implementation by our director Mikael Granberg was recently highlighted in the Times of India. The Centre for Climate and Safety Director Mikael Granberg has just returned from travelling in India.

Visit by Professor Ajay Kohli

News » 2015-11-05
Professor Ajay K. Kohli from the Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, is visiting CTF and Karlstad University on November 23 - 24.

Visit by Professor Ajay Kohli

News » 2015-11-05
Professor Ajay K. Kohli from the Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, is visiting CTF and Karlstad University on November 23 - 24.
Anders Green, Senior Lecturer in Media Technology at Södertörn University, outlines research plans related to the game design education offered by his university. Wizard of Oz is one method among others that may play a role here. Research plans and student-level collaboration will also be discussed at the seminar. Green's research focus includes human-machine interaction, communication, and web development for mobile services.

Welcome Sebastian!

News » 2015-11-04
We welcome Sebastian Dehling, new PhD Student in Business Administration at CTF. Sebastian is part of the Service Design for Innovation (SDIN) project - a European Training Network for Early Stage Researchers.

Welcome Sebastian!

News » 2015-11-04
We welcome Sebastian Dehling, new PhD Student in Business Administration at CTF. Sebastian is part of the Service Design for Innovation (SDIN) project - a European Training Network for Early Stage Researchers.
… Ph D Student i Business Administration at CTF, what are you working on right now? - Right now, the main focus of my work is on data collection and preparing submissions for next summer’s conferences. Together with Per Skålén and Per Kristensson, we are conducting interviews at Telenor and studying the institutional change processes that led to the emergence of Telenor Banka in Serbia.
… Ph D Student i Business Administration at CTF, what are you working on right now? - Right now, the main focus of my work is on data collection and preparing submissions for next summer’s conferences. Together with Per Skålén and Per Kristensson, we are conducting interviews at Telenor and studying the institutional change processes that led to the emergence of Telenor Banka in Serbia.

One moment Thorsten Gruber...

News » 2015-11-04
We caught up with Professor Thorsten Gruber, Loughborough University, UK, who is visiting us this week. Hello Thorsten Gruber! What brings you to CTF this time and what kind of research are you working on right now? - It is always great to visit CTF, which I call my second home. This time I am here to give a presentation on the role of academic impact, and citations in particular.

One moment Thorsten Gruber...

News » 2015-11-04
We caught up with Professor Thorsten Gruber, Loughborough University, UK, who is visiting us this week. Hello Thorsten Gruber! What brings you to CTF this time and what kind of research are you working on right now? - It is always great to visit CTF, which I call my second home. This time I am here to give a presentation on the role of academic impact, and citations in particular.
The highly ranked scientific journal Journal of Product Innovation Management, JPIM, presents a specially-compiled virtual issue on Co-Creation with Customers. This issue consist of nine scientific articles previously published in JPIM, that coalesce around a specific theme and that have made the biggest impact in the scientific community.
The highly ranked scientific journal Journal of Product Innovation Management, JPIM, presents a specially-compiled virtual issue on Co-Creation with Customers. This issue consist of nine scientific articles previously published in JPIM, that coalesce around a specific theme and that have made the biggest impact in the scientific community.
We welcome Helena Alves, Assistant Professor from University of Beira Interior, Portugal, who will be visiting us until next year. What brings you to CTF and what kind of research are you working on? - Knowing that CTF is a very well renowned research center, what brought me here was the possibility of exchanging research ideas with CTF researchers.
We welcome Helena Alves, Assistant Professor from University of Beira Interior, Portugal, who will be visiting us until next year. What brings you to CTF and what kind of research are you working on? - Knowing that CTF is a very well renowned research center, what brought me here was the possibility of exchanging research ideas with CTF researchers.
Joeri van Laere from Univeristy College Skövde is visiting the Information Systems group this Wednesday and will make to presentations within Centre for HumanIT's seminar series. 14:15-15:00 The first seminar has the theme "Socio-technology, socio-materiality: are we still lost?" Joeri makes an account of his search for concrete design themes in works from Ciborra, Orlikowski, Weick, Argyris, Quinn et cetera.
Robert Eklund, Linköping University (before this at Telia Sonera), about the methodology used in the development of interactive systems, in particular as regards language-based interaction. As a language technology researcher at Telia in the beginning of the century, Robert visited us several times for guest lectures in HCI for the Multimedia programme.
John Sören Pettersson visited Günter Alce and the VR studio in Lund. Günter Alce, PhD student at Lund University, who gave a presentation in Karlstad in the beginning of the summer about his extraordinary combination of Wizard-of-Oz technique, Augmented Reality, and Virtual Reality, received Professor John Sören Pettersson when he was visitng Lund on Spetember 22.
John Sören Pettersson visited Günter Alce and the VR studio in Lund. Günter Alce, PhD student at Lund University, who gave a presentation in Karlstad in the beginning of the summer about his extraordinary combination of Wizard-of-Oz technique, Augmented Reality, and Virtual Reality, received Professor John Sören Pettersson when he was visitng Lund on Spetember 22.
Hello Teea Palo, Lecturer at the Department of Marketing, Lancaster University Management School, UK. You will be visiting us during the end of this week. What brings you to CTF, and what kind of research are you working on right now? - I am extremely interested in the work CTF is doing in service research, and the possibility to visit the center was just too good to pass!