News archive


Håkan Frisinger Award 2014

News » 2015-02-16
The Håkan Frisinger Foundation for Transportation Research awarded its 2014 scholarship to Professor Margareta Friman at Karlstad University. Margareta Friman will receive the scholarship of SEK 250,000 for combining behavioral science with transportation research, and thus has increased understanding of the factors that influence the decisions and choices of transport people make. The scholarship will be awarded by the Håkan Frisinger Foundation at a seminar held on Apri

Håkan Frisinger Award 2014

News » 2015-02-16
The Håkan Frisinger Foundation for Transportation Research awarded its 2014 scholarship to Professor Margareta Friman at Karlstad University. Margareta Friman will receive the scholarship of SEK 250,000 for combining behavioral science with transportation research, and thus has increased understanding of the factors that influence the decisions and choices of transport people make. The scholarship will be awarded by the Håkan Frisinger Foundation at a seminar held on Apri
Communication Source replaces Communication & Mass media complete Communication Source was developed from a merger of "Communication & Mass Media Complete" and "Communication Abstracts". Communication Source offers abstracts and indexing as well as full-text content from publications worldwide pertaining to Communication, Linguistics, Rhetoric and Discourse, Speech-Language Pathology, Media Studies and other fields relevant to the discipline. Search in Co
Communication Source replaces Communication & Mass media complete Communication Source was developed from a merger of "Communication & Mass Media Complete" and "Communication Abstracts". Communication Source offers abstracts and indexing as well as full-text content from publications worldwide pertaining to Communication, Linguistics, Rhetoric and Discourse, Speech-Language Pathology, Media Studies and other fields relevant to the discipline. Search in Co

Welcome Kaisa!

News » 2015-02-03
We welcome Kaisa Koskela-Huotari, new Ph D Student in Business Administration at CTF. Kaisa will conduct her studies in the field of Transformative Service Research. Her main supervisor is Professor Per Skålén.

Welcome Kaisa!

News » 2015-02-03
We welcome Kaisa Koskela-Huotari, new Ph D Student in Business Administration at CTF. Kaisa will conduct her studies in the field of Transformative Service Research. Her main supervisor is Professor Per Skålén.

New internship in the lab

News » 2015-01-30
Oskar Kroon is our new internship. He will simplifiy some of the functions in the Shell Builder of Ozlab. Oskar received some help of internship veterans Jonatan Lidholm and Marcus Nygren the first day on the new job. In parallell with his work in the lab, Oskar attempts to write his Bachelor thesis.      

New internship in the lab

News » 2015-01-30
Oskar Kroon is our new internship. He will simplifiy some of the functions in the Shell Builder of Ozlab. Oskar received some help of internship veterans Jonatan Lidholm and Marcus Nygren the first day on the new job. In parallell with his work in the lab, Oskar attempts to write his Bachelor thesis.      

Hello Vasilis Charitsis...

News » 2015-01-23
… Ph D Student in Business Administration, what kind of research are you working on right now? - My current research focuses on self-tracking and self-quantification practices. Self-quantification is an increasingly popular movement that aims to monitor and measure human activities, with the help of technology, in order to allow people to get a better understanding of themselves and to enhance their mental, emotional and physical abilities.

Hello Vasilis Charitsis...

News » 2015-01-23
… Ph D Student in Business Administration, what kind of research are you working on right now? - My current research focuses on self-tracking and self-quantification practices. Self-quantification is an increasingly popular movement that aims to monitor and measure human activities, with the help of technology, in order to allow people to get a better understanding of themselves and to enhance their mental, emotional and physical abilities.
In the beginning of the new year 2015, the usability lab was visited by Jenny Friedl and Lars Eriksson from the Psychology department at Karlstad University. Discussions about collaboration between Psychology and Information Systems in course assignments and students' project works. The meeting started by Prof. John Sören Pettersson and lab assistant Malin Wik visiting the psychologists' lab.        
In the beginning of the new year 2015, the usability lab was visited by Jenny Friedl and Lars Eriksson from the Psychology department at Karlstad University. Discussions about collaboration between Psychology and Information Systems in course assignments and students' project works. The meeting started by Prof. John Sören Pettersson and lab assistant Malin Wik visiting the psychologists' lab.        
The library has ended the subscription of e-books from ebrary from 1 january 2015. The ebrary-collection contained approximately 118,000 titles. Instead, we now subscribe to EBSCO eBook Collection containing approximately 130,000 titles. You can search the new e-books from EBSCO in OneSearch or directly in EBSCO eBook Collection. Soon you will also be able to search them in the library catalog and in Libris. The old e-books from ebrary has been removed from the library catalog.
The library has ended the subscription of e-books from ebrary from 1 january 2015. The ebrary-collection contained approximately 118,000 titles. Instead, we now subscribe to EBSCO eBook Collection containing approximately 130,000 titles. You can search the new e-books from EBSCO in OneSearch or directly in EBSCO eBook Collection. Soon you will also be able to search them in the library catalog and in Libris. The old e-books from ebrary has been removed from the library catalog.
Autumn 2014 students Marcus Nygren (study programme IT-Design) and Jonatan Lidholm (Webb and Multimedia) had their internships at Karlstad University's usability lab. During their internship they have further developed a few functions in the web-based Ozlab system which will facilitate the work of future Ozlab wizards.
Autumn 2014 students Marcus Nygren (study programme IT-Design) and Jonatan Lidholm (Webb and Multimedia) had their internships at Karlstad University's usability lab. During their internship they have further developed a few functions in the web-based Ozlab system which will facilitate the work of future Ozlab wizards.
On December 17th Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation announced the recipients of this autumn’s scholarships. The Foundation promotes Postgraduate studies at foreign universities, and one of the recipients is Henrik öhlin, Ph D student at CTF. Congratulations Henrik, you are one of the recipients of the scholarship! - Thank you! I am both happy and proud to receive this scholarship.
On December 17th Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation announced the recipients of this autumn’s scholarships. The Foundation promotes Postgraduate studies at foreign universities, and one of the recipients is Henrik öhlin, Ph D student at CTF. Congratulations Henrik, you are one of the recipients of the scholarship! - Thank you! I am both happy and proud to receive this scholarship.