News archive

On 10 December, the third Mathematics Meets Industry Day (MIMM®) was arranged at Karlstad University. Representatives from Kongsberg, Region Värmland, and Uddeholm participated, and together with upper secondary school students, university students, and researchers they tried to find mathematical solutions for previously unsolved problems. “The purpose of this day is to demonstrate to the industry the benefits of working with mathematicians.
Marie Karlsson Tuula, a Professor of Civil Law at Karlstad University, has been appointed one of the 2020 ambassadors against honour-based violence by the national organisation GAPF (Glöm aldrig Pela och Fadime). The reason is that she has taken an important stand against honour-based violence and is committed to working against it. “It feels amazing and surprising,” says Marie Karlsson Tuula.
Marie Karlsson Tuula, a Professor of Civil Law at Karlstad University, has been appointed one of the 2020 ambassadors against honour-based violence by the national organisation GAPF (Glöm aldrig Pela och Fadime). The reason is that she has taken an important stand against honour-based violence and is committed to working against it. “It feels amazing and surprising,” says Marie Karlsson Tuula.
The Christmas and New Year holidays are approaching and another busy year has gone by, now we are looking forward to a new and exciting year. In 2019, three of our researchers defended their doctoral dissertations and one licentiate thesis was presented. We have admitted no less than four new PhD students. In June, we hosted a fantastic conference, QUIS16, with around 250 international researchers.
The Christmas and New Year holidays are approaching and another busy year has gone by, now we are looking forward to a new and exciting year. In 2019, three of our researchers defended their doctoral dissertations and one licentiate thesis was presented. We have admitted no less than four new PhD students. In June, we hosted a fantastic conference, QUIS16, with around 250 international researchers.
During the holidays there is a lot of focus on food. It is the time of the year when we consume in abundance and throw away more food than ever- at the same time as we know that food waste has a negative impact on our climate and what we choose to eat and how we handle the food matters. So, what can we do to reduce the food waste?
During the holidays there is a lot of focus on food. It is the time of the year when we consume in abundance and throw away more food than ever- at the same time as we know that food waste has a negative impact on our climate and what we choose to eat and how we handle the food matters. So, what can we do to reduce the food waste?
Simon Sundberg, previously a student in the Computer Engineering Master programme, established contact with the HITS* company Icomera through the course Performance Modelling and Simulation during year four.
Simon Sundberg, previously a student in the Computer Engineering Master programme, established contact with the HITS* company Icomera through the course Performance Modelling and Simulation during year four.
A new study evaluated the association between early pregnancy exposure to eight PFAS compounds respectively and birth weight in 1,533 mother child pairs in the Swedish Environmental Longitudinal, Mother and child, Asthma and allergy (SELMA) study, specifically focusing on differences according to sex of the child. Researchers found significant associations between higher prenatal exposures for five different PFAS (PFOS, PFOA, PFNA, PFDA och PFUnDA) and lower birth weight,
Can an app help visitors at the Central Hospital in Karlstad find the way? This is what a new research study will investigate. The study is a breakthrough for research in real-world environment within DigitalWell. The study is a part of DigitalWell Research, a sister project to DigitalWell, and is linked to the case: “Find the way”.
Can an app help visitors at the Central Hospital in Karlstad find the way? This is what a new research study will investigate. The study is a breakthrough for research in real-world environment within DigitalWell. The study is a part of DigitalWell Research, a sister project to DigitalWell, and is linked to the case: “Find the way”.
Can an app help visitors at the Central Hospital in Karlstad find the way? This is what a new research study will investigate. The study is a breakthrough for research in real-world environment within DigitalWell. The study is a part of DigitalWell Research, a sister project to DigitalWell, and is linked to the case: “Find the way”.
We are happy to welcome Kristin Svärd, new PhD student in Business Administration at Karlstad Business School. Kristin will be placed at CTF, Service Research Center, and she is also part of the Swedish Research School of Management and IT, MIT.
We are happy to welcome Kristin Svärd, new PhD student in Business Administration at Karlstad Business School. Kristin will be placed at CTF, Service Research Center, and she is also part of the Swedish Research School of Management and IT, MIT.
We are happy to welcome Kristin Svärd, new PhD student in Business Administration at Karlstad Business School. Kristin will be placed at CTF, Service Research Center, and she is also part of the Swedish Research School of Management and IT, MIT.
On December 5, researchers at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, received the Lidl Future Initiatives award of 3.8 million SEK to start up a new research project on transformative packaging design.