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With the right mix of skills, intuition become less of a mystery – and new ideas can be assessed more fairly. In a new thesis, Johan Netz, Ph D in Business Administration at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, has investigated how new ideas are assessed in a screening process. Johan Netz has investigated how intuitive and rational assessment decision making approaches affects idea screening.
With the right mix of skills, intuition become less of a mystery – and new ideas can be assessed more fairly. In a new thesis, Johan Netz, Ph D in Business Administration at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, has investigated how new ideas are assessed in a screening process. Johan Netz has investigated how intuitive and rational assessment decision making approaches affects idea screening.

Sustainability in focus

News » 2017-12-14
One time is no time and two times is a habit. If the phrase is right, that means that Sustainability Day at the Business School is from now one a tradition. For the second year in a row sustainability issues where put in focus under the headline “Solving Global Challenges in Practice”. Lars Sandberg, innovation manager at BillerudKorsnäs, talked about the company's work for increased sustainability and consideration to the environment when it comes to food packaging.

Sustainability in focus

News » 2017-12-14
One time is no time and two times is a habit. If the phrase is right, that means that Sustainability Day at the Business School is from now one a tradition. For the second year in a row sustainability issues where put in focus under the headline “Solving Global Challenges in Practice”. Lars Sandberg, innovation manager at BillerudKorsnäs, talked about the company's work for increased sustainability and consideration to the environment when it comes to food packaging.
Karlstad Business School has been given greenlight to proceed in the process for an accreditation by the Accreditation Committee at the AACSB. The work now continues towards building a robust and sustainable quality control system as a support for a continuous development of the school. Just over two years ago, AACSB granted the Business School's request to start a process towards accreditation. It was the start of a quality development work for the entire department.
Karlstad Business School has been given greenlight to proceed in the process for an accreditation by the Accreditation Committee at the AACSB. The work now continues towards building a robust and sustainable quality control system as a support for a continuous development of the school. Just over two years ago, AACSB granted the Business School's request to start a process towards accreditation. It was the start of a quality development work for the entire department.
There is a great need to test the stability and performance of mobile broadband networks. A transnational European platform for testing mobile broadband networks has been developed by the MONROE (Measuring Mobile Broadband Networks in Europe) project. The platform is now open and accessible to external actors.
There is a great need to test the stability and performance of mobile broadband networks. A transnational European platform for testing mobile broadband networks has been developed by the MONROE (Measuring Mobile Broadband Networks in Europe) project. The platform is now open and accessible to external actors.
There is a great need to test the stability and performance of mobile broadband networks. A transnational European platform for testing mobile broadband networks has been developed by the MONROE (Measuring Mobile Broadband Networks in Europe) project. The platform is now open and accessible to external actors.
Marit Engen is our second new postdoctoral researcher that have joined CTF this year. Marit Engen completed her PhD in 2016 at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Lillehammer. Her research interest lies in the area of service innovation, and her doctoral thesis, "Frontline employees as participants in service innovation processes – Innovation by Weaving", focused on service innovation processes, and in particular the involvement of frontline employees.
Marit Engen is our second new postdoctoral researcher that have joined CTF this year. Marit Engen completed her PhD in 2016 at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Lillehammer. Her research interest lies in the area of service innovation, and her doctoral thesis, "Frontline employees as participants in service innovation processes – Innovation by Weaving", focused on service innovation processes, and in particular the involvement of frontline employees.
Protecting business networks is getting more and more important. But how well do firewalls actually do in protecting sensitive and confidential information? Configuring firewalls can be complicated, even for system administrators, and that can lead to security risks and opportunities for intruders. Today, almost every company and their systems are connected to the Internet, thereby they are exposed to a huge number of threats.
Protecting business networks is getting more and more important. But how well do firewalls actually do in protecting sensitive and confidential information? Configuring firewalls can be complicated, even for system administrators, and that can lead to security risks and opportunities for intruders. Today, almost every company and their systems are connected to the Internet, thereby they are exposed to a huge number of threats.
Protecting business networks is getting more and more important. But how well do firewalls actually do in protecting sensitive and confidential information? Configuring firewalls can be complicated, even for system administrators, and that can lead to security risks and opportunities for intruders. Today, almost every company and their systems are connected to the Internet, thereby they are exposed to a huge number of threats.
Much discourse among service researchers circles around ‘value-in-use’, but still tend to apply research methods examining ‘value-ex-use’. Taking the ‘use situation’ seriously, we have reason to pave the way for advanced ‘in situ methodologies’. What is this phenomenon called ‘service’, and how can we learn more about it?
Much discourse among service researchers circles around ‘value-in-use’, but still tend to apply research methods examining ‘value-ex-use’. Taking the ‘use situation’ seriously, we have reason to pave the way for advanced ‘in situ methodologies’. What is this phenomenon called ‘service’, and how can we learn more about it?
Computer Science at Karlstad University has a lot of expertise in online privacy and security, and therefore researchers and teachers from South Africa and Tanzania are visiting the department. Their visit is based on the need to improve energy supply in Africa and to develop training on smart grids. Energy supply is an important sustainability and development issue in Africa.
Computer Science at Karlstad University has a lot of expertise in online privacy and security, and therefore researchers and teachers from South Africa and Tanzania are visiting the department. Their visit is based on the need to improve energy supply in Africa and to develop training on smart grids. Energy supply is an important sustainability and development issue in Africa.
Computer Science at Karlstad University has a lot of expertise in online privacy and security, and therefore researchers and teachers from South Africa and Tanzania are visiting the department. Their visit is based on the need to improve energy supply in Africa and to develop training on smart grids. Energy supply is an important sustainability and development issue in Africa.
STINT, The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education, has provided researcher in Computer Science at Karlstad University the possibility to establish research/education collaboration with Zhejiang University in Hangzhou (China) in the areas of Cloud and Edge computing. Three researchers from the Computer Science Department at Karlstad University and two researchers from Zhejiang University will work on this year-long research projec