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Often when radical technological development happens, I gaze at it from a distance and try to understand it's impact on my life. This time I got to be a part of the revolution. I’m talking about the eye-tracking revolution, a journey that has been amazing to be a part of during the past 10 years. A journey that has just started. Ten years ago I approached Tobii Technology with a radical suggestion, to lend me an eye-tracker.
Often when radical technological development happens, I gaze at it from a distance and try to understand it's impact on my life. This time I got to be a part of the revolution. I’m talking about the eye-tracking revolution, a journey that has been amazing to be a part of during the past 10 years. A journey that has just started. Ten years ago I approached Tobii Technology with a radical suggestion, to lend me an eye-tracker.
This January, two students from the Cooperative State University in Stuttgart (DHBW-Stuttgart), Fabian Jaskotka and Kai Langenekert, joined the Usability Lab at Karlstad University. Fabian, from Hamburg, and Kai, from Backnang, have never been to Sweden before.
This January, two students from the Cooperative State University in Stuttgart (DHBW-Stuttgart), Fabian Jaskotka and Kai Langenekert, joined the Usability Lab at Karlstad University. Fabian, from Hamburg, and Kai, from Backnang, have never been to Sweden before.
Last week CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, together with Experio Lab, hosted a consortium meeting in Karlstad within the European research training network SDIN. In addition to supervision of the doctoral candidates associated with SDIN, and a board meeting, a public conference was arranged with the intention to disseminate some of the research conducted within the project.
Last week CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, together with Experio Lab, hosted a consortium meeting in Karlstad within the European research training network SDIN. In addition to supervision of the doctoral candidates associated with SDIN, and a board meeting, a public conference was arranged with the intention to disseminate some of the research conducted within the project.
A study done at Karlstad University shows that seven products account for almost half the fruit and vegetables wasted by retailers. Potentially, food waste can be drastically limited by focusing on these products. - Retailers may profit by allocating more staff hours to measures that lead to reduced fruit and vegetable waste, thereby saving money and the environment, says Lisa Mattsson at Karlstad University.
A study done at Karlstad University shows that seven products account for almost half the fruit and vegetables wasted by retailers. Potentially, food waste can be drastically limited by focusing on these products. - Retailers may profit by allocating more staff hours to measures that lead to reduced fruit and vegetable waste, thereby saving money and the environment, says Lisa Mattsson at Karlstad University.
This conference provides a forum for enthusiasts in Mobile Communication Technologies for Development (M4D) to share experiences of innovation and working with mobile technologies in development contexts. The inaugural conference was held in Karlstad, Sweden in 2008.
The 31st International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, CBMS 2018, will be hosted by Karlstad University, Sweden. The symposium will take place from June 18 to 21st, 2018. CBMS 2018 will provide an international forum to discuss the latest developments in the field of computational medicine, biomedical informatics and related fields.
Researchers at CTF have been awarded 4.6 million SEK from the KK Foundation for research on servitization in manufacturing companies. In the project, the researchers will develop a reference model to create a better understanding of how servitization is done in practice. Globalization and increased competition have led to that many manufacturing companies have increased their service offers, not least in terms of advanced services.
Researchers at CTF have been awarded 4.6 million SEK from the KK Foundation for research on servitization in manufacturing companies. In the project, the researchers will develop a reference model to create a better understanding of how servitization is done in practice. Globalization and increased competition have led to that many manufacturing companies have increased their service offers, not least in terms of advanced services.