Morten Feldtfos Thomsen
Ph.d. och lektor i litteraturvetenskap. Medlem av KuFo (Kulturvetenskapliga forskargruppen).
Forskningsintressen: intermedialitet, horror, slasher studies, transmedia storytelling.
Forskningsprojekt: ”Scandinavian Serial Killer Narratives" samt "Intermediality in the Teen Slasher"
Scenes of Writing, Scenes of Looking: Don DeLillo, Claus Beck-Nielsen, and the Politics of the Novel. Ph.d.-avhandling, 2016.
"'Your start to change when I get in. The Babadook growing right under your skin': Monstrous Intermediality in Jennifer Kent's The Babadook." Horror Studies, 2019.
"Body, telephone, voice: Black Christmas (1974) and Monstrous Cinema". Acta Universitatis Sapientiae Film and Media Studies, vol 20, 2021.
“’You’re all doomed!’: The Teen Slasher as Speculative Fiction, SpecFic 2021: Time and History, Swedish Network for Speculative Fiction, Karlstad University, Sweden, December 1-3, 2021.
“Class, Community, and Carnage: The Swedish Teen Slasher”, The Slasher Studies Summer Camp: An International Conference on Slasher Theory, History, and Practice, University of the Creative Arts, Birmingham City University, August 13-15, 2021.
“Estetiska erfarenheter och litteraturundervisning”, SMDI 14: Didaktiska perspektiv på språk och litteratur i en globaliserad värld”, Malmö University, Sweden, November 18-19, 2020.
“Voice and Gender in the Teen Slasher”, The Uses of Aesthetics, Research Group for Culture Studies, Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden, September 12-14, 2019.
“Rewriting the teen slasher”. Etc. Exchange Transformation Communication, Nordic Association of English Studies, Triennial Conference, Aarhus University, Denmark, May 8-10, 2019.
“Intermediality and Gender in Black Christmas (1974).” Technology, Women, and Gothic-Horror On-Screen, University of Kent, Cambridge, United Kingdom, May 2-3, 2019.
“Intermediality in A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984).” Open Covenants: Pasts and Futures of Global America, Tenth Biennial Conference for the Swedish Association for American Studies, Stockholm University, September 28-30, 2018.
“Scenes of Looking / Scenes of Writing: The Print Novel and Visual Culture.” Norlit 2015: The Book to Come, Department of Literature, History, and Religion, Gothenburg University, August 20-22, 2015.
- Thomsen - 2024
- Thomsen - 2021
- Thomsen - 2021
- Thomsen - 2021
- Thomsen - 2020
- Thomsen - 2019
- Thomsen - 2019
- Thomsen - 2019
- Thomsen - 2019
- Thomsen - 2018
- Thomsen - 2016
- Thomsen - 2015