Robert Mackenzie

Relaterad information
I have a longstanding interest in the regulation of employment and the relationship between macro, meso and micro level mechanisms of regulation. My work has sought to link research on the social and economic experiences of workers with broader patterns of socio-economic restructuring and changes in the regulation of the employment relationship. This has led to research on the role played by trade unions, contract form and occupational identity in mediating the experience of restructuring. I have conducted research on restructuring in the telecommunications, steel and construction sectors, and broader labour market change in terms of the social and economic experiences of migrants. I have written on issues of regulation across various levels, from the role of the state, to workplace industrial relations and human resource management practices.
Much of my research involves active collaborations on an international scale.
I am a visiting Professor at the Centre for Employment Relations Innovation and Change (CERIC), University of Leeds, UK and an Honorary Professor at the Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK. I have previously been a visiting Professor at the Toulouse Business School, France and Karlstad Business School.
I am currently an Editor of the Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies and New Technology Work and Employment. I sit on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Industrial Relations and Frontiers in Sociology. I was previously an Editor of Work, Employment and Society and sat on the Editorial Boards of Working USA and Work, Employment and Society.
Utvalda publikationer
Published work
Journal articles
MacKenzie, R., McLachlan, C.J., Ahlstrand, R., Rydell, A. and Hobbins, J. (2024) Strategic, episodic and truncated orientations to planning in post-redundancy career transitions. Human Relations. DOI: 10.1177/00187267241233494.
Scholz, F., Oliver, L., Tomlinson, J., MacKenzie, R., and Ingold, J. (2023) Old norms in the new normal: Exploring and resisting the rise of the ideal pandemic worker. Gender, Work and Organization.
Valizade, D., Cook, H., Forde, C. and MacKenzie, R. (2023). Do union strategic influence, job security and the industrial relations climate matter for the adoption of high performance work systems?. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance. DOI 10.1108/JOEPP-09-2022-0278.
MacKenzie, R. and McLachlan, C. J. (2022) ‘Restructuring, Redeployment and Job Churning within Internal Labour Markets’. Work, Employment and Society. DOI: 09500170221080389. (CABS list 4).
Valizade, D., Cook, H., Forde, C. and MacKenzie R. (2022) ‘Are bargaining concessions inevitable in recessions? An empirical investigation into union bargaining priorities and trade-offs of pay rises for job security’. Employee Relations. 44 (6).
McLachlan, C. MacKenzie, R. and Greenwood, I. (2021) ‘Victims, Survivors and the Emergence of ‘Endurers’ as a reflection of Shifting Goals in the Management of Redeployment’. Human Resource Management Journal. 31(2). DOI: 10.1111/1748-8583.12314.
Cook, H., MacKenzie, R., and Forde, C.’ (2020) Union partnership as a facilitator to HRM: Improving implementation through oppositional engagement’. International Journal of Human Resource Management. Online first. DOI 10.1080/09585192.2017.1399431
Ciupijus, Z., Forde, C., and MacKenzie, R. (2020) ‘Micro‐and meso‐regulatory spaces of labour mobility power: The role of ethnic and kinship networks in shaping work‐related movements of post‐2004 Central Eastern European migrants to the United Kingdom’. Population, Space and Place. DOI: 10.1002/psp.2300
Ciupijus, Z. MacKenzie, R. and Forde, C. (2020) ‘The worker branch in Yorkshire as a way of organizing Polish migrants: exploring the process of carving out diasporic spaces within the trade union structure’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 46(15).
MacKenzie, R. and Martinez Lucio, M. (2019) ‘Regulation, Migration and the implications for industrial relations’, Journal of Industrial Relations, 61(2).
McLachlan, C. MacKenzie, R. and Greenwood, I. (2019) ‘The Role of the Steelworker Occupational Community in the Internalization of Industrial Restructuring: The ‘Layering Up’ of Collective Proximal and Distal Experiences’. Sociology. 53(5). DOI: 10.1177/0038038519836850-
MacKenzie, R. and Marks, A. (2019) ‘Older Workers and Occupational Identity in the Telecommunications Industry: Navigating Employment Transitions through the Life Course’. Work, Employment and Society, 33(1). 0950017018760212
Martinez Lucio, M., and MacKenzie, R. (2017) ‘The state and the regulation of work and employment: theoretical contributions, forgotten lessons and new forms of engagement’. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 28(21). DOI 10.1080/09585192.2017.1363796
MacKenzie, R. Marks, A. and Morgan, K. (2017) ‘Technology, affordances and occupational identity amongst older telecommunications engineers: from living machines to black-boxes’. Sociology. 51(4).
Holth, L. Bergman, A. and MacKenzie, R. (2017) ‘Gender, availability and dual emancipation in the Swedish ICT sector’. Work, Employment and Society. 31(2).
Cook, H., MacKenzie, R., and Forde, C. (2016) ‘HRM and Performance: The vulnerability of soft HRM practices during recession and retrenchment’. Human Resource Management Journal, 26(4).
MacKenzie, R. and Martinez Lucio, M. (2016) ‘Regulation, stability and change: Reflections on the UK and Sweden’. Arbetsmarkand & Arbetsliv. 22(2).
Forde, C. MacKenzie, R. Ciupijus, Z. and Alberti, G. (2015) 'Understanding the Connections between Temporary Employment Agencies and Migration'. International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 31(4).
MacKenzie, R. and Martinez Lucio, M. (2014) ‘The colonisation of employment regulation and industrial relations? Dynamics and developments over five decades of change’. Labor History, 55(2).
MacKenzie, R. Forde, C. and Ciupijus, Z. (2012) ‘Networks of Support for New Migrant Communities: Institutional Goals versus Substantive Goals?’, Urban Studies, 49(3).
MacKenzie, R., Forde, C., Robinson, A., Cook, H., Eriksson, B., Larsson, P. and Bergman, A. (2010) 'Contingent work in the UK and Sweden: evidence from the construction industry', Industrial Relations Journal, 41(6).
MacKenzie, R. (2010) ‘Why Do Contingent Workers Join a Trade Union? Evidence from the Irish Telecommunications Sector,’ European Journal of Industrial Relations. 16(2).
Forde, C. and MacKenzie, R. (2010) ‘Deciphering the codes: The ethical agendas of employment agencies towards migrant workers in the UK’, Journal of Business Ethics. 97(1).
Cornelius, N. Martinez Lucio, M. Wilson, F. Gagnon, S. MacKenzie, R. and Pezet, E. (2010) ‘Equality and Voice: The Ethics and Politics of Representation and Participation in Relation to Equality and Ethnicity. Journal of Business Ethics. 97 (1).
MacKenzie, R. (2009) ‘Union responses to restructuring and the growth of contingent labour in the Irish telecommunications industry’, Economic and Industrial Democracy. 30(4).
Gardiner, J. Stuart, M. Forde, C. Greenwood, I. MacKenzie, R. and Perrett, R. (2009) ‘Redundancy as a critical life even: Moving on from the Welsh steel industry through career change’, Work, Employment and Society. 23(4).
Forde, C., MacKenzie, R. and Robinson, A. (2009) ‘Built on shifting sands: Changes in employers' use of contingent labour in the UK construction sector’, Journal of Industrial Relations. 51(5).
Forde, C. and MacKenzie, R. (2009) ‘Migrant workers in low-skilled employment: assessing the implications for human resource management’, International Journal of Manpower, 30(1).
MacKenzie, R. and Forde, C (2009) ‘The Rhetoric of the ‘Good Worker’ versus the Realities of Employers’ Use and the Experiences of Migrant Workers’. Work, Employment and Society, 23(1).
Forde, C. Mackenzie, R. and Robinson, A. (2009) ‘Help Wanted? Employer Attitudes to Employment Agencies in the Construction Sector’, Employee Relations. 30(6).
MacKenzie, R. (2008) 'From Networks to Hierarchies: The Construction of a Subcontracting Regime in the Irish Telecommunications Industry'. Organization Studies, 29(6).
Forde, C., MacKenzie, R. and Robinson, A. (2008) 'Firm Foundations? Contingent Labour and Employers' Provision of Training in the UK Construction Sector', Industrial Relations Journal, 39(5).
Forde, C. and MacKenzie, R. (2007) 'Getting the Mix Right: The Use of Employment Contract Alternatives in the UK Construction Industry', Personnel Review, 36(4).
Gardiner, J. Stuart, M. Forde, C. Greenwood, I. MacKenzie, R. and Perrett, R. (2007) ‘Work–life balance and older workers: employees’ perspectives on retirement transitions following redundancy’, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(3).
MacKenzie, R. Stuart, M. Forde, C. Greenwood, I. Gardiner, J and Perrett, R. (2006) 'All that is Solid? Class, Identity and the Maintenance of a Collective Orientation amongst Redundant Steel Workers'. Sociology, 40(5).
MacKenzie, R. and Martinez Lucio, M. (2005) 'The Realities of Regulatory Change: Beyond the Fetish of Deregulation', Sociology, 39(3).
Forde, C. and MacKenzie, R. (2005) 'Skills Shortages and Casualisation in Construction: Evidence from two UK surveys'. Construction Information Quarterly. 7(3).
Forde, C. and MacKenzie, R. (2004) 'Cementing Skills: Training and Labour Use in UK Construction', Human Resource Management Journal. 14(3).
Martinez Lucio, M. and Mackenzie, R. (2004) 'Unstable Boundaries: Evaluating the 'New Regulation' within Employment Relations'. Economy and Society. 33(1).
MacKenzie, R. (2002) 'The Migration of Bureaucracy: Contracting and the Regulation of Labour in the Telecommunications Industry', Work, Employment and Society. 16(4).
MacKenzie, R. (2000) 'Subcontracting and the Re-regulation of the Employment Relationship: A Case Study from the Telecommunications Industry', Work, Employment and Society, 14(4).
Martinez Lucio, M. and MacKenzie, R. (1998) 'El impacto de la calidad: ¿una nueva forma de control?’, Revista Asturiana De Economia. Vol. 12.
Martinez Lucio, M. and MacKenzie, R. (2022) International Human Resource Management: The Transformation of Work in a Global Context. London. Sage.
Book Chapters
Martinez Lucio, M. and MacKenzie, R. (2024) ‘The State and Industrial Relations: Debates, Concerns and Contradictions in the Forging of Regulatory Change in the UK’ in Hodder, A. and Mustchin, S. (eds) The Value of Industrial Relations. Bristol. Bristol University Press.
Martinez Lucio, M. and MacKenzie, R. (2022) ‘Introduction: an employment relations perspective on international human resource management and the transformation of work in a global perspective’ in Martinez Lucio, M. and MacKenzie, R. (eds) International Human Resource Management: The Transformation of Work in a Global Context. London. Sage.
Martinez Lucio, M. and MacKenzie, R. (2022) ‘Globalization and employment: developments and contradictions’ in Martinez Lucio, M. and MacKenzie, R. (eds) International Human Resource Management: The Transformation of Work in a Global Context. London. Sage.
Kumar, N. MacKenzie, R. and Martinez Lucio, M. (2022) ‘Developing economies: globalization, politics and employment relations’ in Martinez Lucio, M. and MacKenzie, R. (eds) International Human Resource Management: The Transformation of Work in a Global Context. London. Sage.
McLachlan, CJ. MacKenzie, R. Rydell, A. Ahlstrand, R. Hobbins, J. O'Brien, M. and Frino, B. (2022) ‘Restructuring, policy and practice: an international comparison of approaches’ in Martinez Lucio, M. and MacKenzie, R. (eds) International Human Resource Management: The Transformation of Work in a Global Context. London. Sage.
Briken, K. and MacKenzie, R. (2022) ‘Technology and the organization of work’ in Martinez Lucio, M. and MacKenzie, R. (eds) International Human Resource Management: The Transformation of Work in a Global Context. London. Sage.
MacKenzie, R. and Martinez Lucio, M. (2022) ‘Regulating work and employment internationally:
a complex tapestry’ in Martinez Lucio, M. and MacKenzie, R. (eds) International Human Resource Management: The Transformation of Work in a Global Context. London. Sage.
MacKenzie, R. and Martinez Lucio, M. (2022) ‘Aliens och Alienation: Arbetsskildringar i science fiction filmer’ in Ivarsson, L., & Palm, K. (eds). Framtidens arbetsliv: Arbetsvillkor och arbetsmiljö. Lund. Studentlitteratur.
MacKenzie, R. Forde, C. and Ciupijus, Z. (2019) ‘Kinship and community networks’ in Gall, G. (ed) Handbook on the Politics of Labour, Work and Employment. London. Edward Elgar.
MacKenzie, R. and Martinez Lucio, M. (2019) ‘MNCs, Regulation and the Changing Context of International Human Resource Management’ in Reiche, B.S., Harzing, A-W., and Tenzer, H. (eds) International Human Resource Management. 5th Edition. London: Sage.
Martinez Lucio, M. and MacKenzie, R. (2018) ‘The State and Employment Relations: Continuity and change in the politics of regulation’, in Wilkinson, A. Dundon, T. Donaghey, J. and Colvin, A. (eds) The Routledge Companion to Employment Relations. London, Routledge.
Martinez Lucio, M. and MacKenzie, R. (2016) ‘Regulation and Multinational Corporations: The Changing Context of Global Employment Relations’ in Harzing, A.W. and Pinnington, A. International Human Resource Management. Fourth Edition. London. Sage.
MacKenzie, R. and Martinez Lucio, M. (2014) ‘Regulating Work and Employment Internationally: The Emergence of Soft Regulation’ in Martinez Lucio, M. (ed) International Human Resource Management: An Employment Relations Perspective. London. Sage.
Martinez Lucio, M. and MacKenzie, R. (2011) ’Regulation and Change in Global Employment Relations’ in Harzing, A.W. and Pinnington, A. International Human Resource Management. London. Sage.
Mackenzie, R. and Forde, C. (2006) 'The myth of decentralization and the new labour market'. In: Alonso, L. and Martinez-Lucio, M. (ed.) Employment Relations in a Changing Society, Palgrave MacMillan.
Forde, C. and MacKenzie, R. (2005) 'Concrete Solutions? Recruitment Difficulties and Casualisation in the UK Construction Industry' in Dainty, A., Green, S. and Bagilhole, B (eds) People and Culture in Construction: A Reader.
Martinez Lucio, M. and MacKenzie, R, (1999) ‘Quality Management: A New Form of Control?’ in Corby, S. and White, G. (eds) Employee Relations in the Public Services: Themes and Issues. London, Routledge
MacKenzie, R. Forde, C. and Ciupijus, Z. (2010) ‘Migrant Worker Research Project: Final Report for the Barnsley Migration Impact Fund Project’. April 2010.
MacKenzie, R. and Forde, C. (2007) ‘The social and economic experiences of asylum seekers, migrant workers, refugees and overstayers: Report for the Investing in a Multicultural Barnsley Project’, Centre for Employment Relations, Innovation and Change Policy Report Number 1, June 2007
Stuart, M., Forde, C., MacKenzie, R. and Wallis, E. (2007) ‘An impact study on relocation, restructuring and the viability of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund: The impact on employment, working conditions and regional development’, European Parliament Research Study, Employment and Social Affairs Committee, Brussels.
Forde, C. MacKenzie, R. Stuart, M. and Perrett, R. (2005) 'Good Industrial Relations in the Oil Industry in the UK', International Labour Organisation Sectoral Working Paper 230.
Greenwood, I., Perrett, R., Mackenzie, R., Forde, C., Stuart, M. and Gardiner, J. (2004) 'The Economic and Social Impact of Redundancies from Corus and Allied Steel and Wire in Wales', Report prepared for ISTC ('Community') union/Steel Partnership Training.
M. Stuart, I. Greenwood, Forde, C, MacKenzie, R., Perrett, R. and J. Gardiner (2003) 'Economic and Social Impact of Redundancies in Wales: Initial Research Findings',- input into ISTC evidence to Parliamentary Select Committee on the Steel Industry, May 2003.
Short Reports, Bulletins and Knowledge Transfer Activities
MacKenzie, R., Forde, C. and Ciupijus, Z. (2010) Migration Worker Research Project: Final Report for the Barnsley Migration Impact Fund Project, July, 2010.
MacKenzie, R. And Forde, C. (2008) ‘Social and economic experiences of asylum seekers, migrant workers, refugees and overstayers in Barnsley’, Yorkshire and Humber Regional Review, 18, 2.
MacKenzie, R. And Forde, C. (2008) ‘Supporting a Multicultural workforce’, Impact Magazine, Issue 3, Summer 2008, 34-35.
MacKenzie, R. And Forde, C. (2008) ‘Case Study: Investing in a Multicultural Barnsley’, Leeds University Business and Enterprise.
Mackenzie, R. and Forde, C. (2008) 'Survey Reveals Social and Economic Experiences of New Arrivals in Barnsley', Asylum Newsletter No 39, April/May 2008.
Forde, C. and MacKenzie, R. (2007) ‘The Social and Economic Experiences of Asylum Seekers, Migrant Workers, Refugees and Overstayers: Key Findings on Qualifications, Learning and Work’, Report for the Yorkshire & Humberside Regional Migration Partnership, August 2007.
Forde, C. MacKenzie, R. and Robinson, A. (2006) ‘Changes in Employers’ Use of Contingent Labour: Evidence from the Construction Sector’, Bolletino Adapt, Marco Biagi Institute, October 2006.
- David Regin Öborn, MacKenzie, Örnebring, Van Couvering - 2024
- Danat Valizade, Hugh Cook, Chris Forde, MacKenzie - 2024
- Chris Forde, Zinovijus Ciupijus, Gabriella Alberti, Marketa Dolezalova, Jiachen Shi, Ioulia Bessa, Jo Cutter, Meenakshi Sarkar, MacKenzie - 2024
- Frederike Scholz, Liz Oliver, Jennifer Tomlinson, MacKenzie, Jo Ingold - 2024
- Roland Ahlstrand, Christopher J. McLachlan, MacKenzie, Alexis Rydell, Mark Stuart - 2024
- MacKenzie, Christopher J. McLachlan, Roland Ahlstrand, Alexis Rydell, Jennifer Hobbins - 2024
- Örnebring, Van Couvering, David Regin Öborn, MacKenzie - 2024
- Abdulrahman Basahal, Chris Forde, MacKenzie - 2023
- MacKenzie, Christopher J. McLachlan - 2023
- Danat Valizade, Hugh Cook, Christopher Forde, MacKenzie - 2022
- Örnebring, Van Couvering, MacKenzie, David Regin Öborn - 2022
- David Regin Öborn, MacKenzie - 2021
- David Regin Öborn, MacKenzie - 2021
- Christopher J. McLachlan, MacKenzie, Ian Greenwood - 2021
- Zinovijus Ciupijus, Christopher Forde, MacKenzie - 2020
- Abdulrahman Basahal, Chris Forde, MacKenzie - 2020
- Z. Ciupijus, MacKenzie, C. Forde - 2020
- Hugh Cook, Robert MacKenzie, Christopher Forde - 2020
- MacKenzie, Zinovijus Ciupijus, Forde Chris - 2019
- MacKenzie, Miguel Martinez Lucio - 2019
- C. J. McLachlan, MacKenzie, I. Greenwood - 2019
- Robert MacKenzie, Miguel Martinez Lucio - 2018
- MacKenzie, A. Marks - 2018
- Miguel Martínez Lucio, Robert MacKenzie - 2018
- Holth, Ann Bergman, Robert MacKenzie - 2017
- MacKenzie, Abigail Marks, Kate Morgan - 2017
- Miguel Martinez Lucio, MacKenzie - 2017
- Hugh Cook, MacKenzie, Christopher Forde - 2016
- Ivarsson, Larsson, Robert MacKenzie - 2016
- MacKenzie, Miguel Martinez Lucio - 2016
- Chris Forde, MacKenzie, Zinovijus Ciupijus, Gabriella Alberti - 2015
- A. Charlwood, C. Forde, I. Grugulis, K. Hardy, I. Kirkpatrick, MacKenzie, M. Stuart - 2014
- Robert MacKenzie, Miguel Martinez Lucio - 2014
- M. Martinez Lucio, Robert MacKenzie - 2014
- R. MacKenzie, M. M. Lucio - 2014
- M. Stuart, I. Grugulis, J. Tomlinson, C. Forde, MacKenzie - 2013
- MacKenzie, Chris Forde, Zinovious Ciupijus - 2012
- MacKenzie, Chris Forde, Zinovijus Ciupijus - 2012
- Irena Grugulis, Mark Stuart, Chris Forde, Ian Kirkpatrick, MacKenzie, Jennifer Tomlinson - 2012
- M Martinez Lucio, Robert MacKenzie - 2011
- Mark Stuart, Irena Grugulis, Chris Forde, Ian Kirkpatrick, MacKenzie, Jennifer Tomlinson - 2011
- MacKenzie, Chris Forde, Andrew Robinson, Hugh Cook, Eriksson, Larsson, Bergman - 2010
- Nelarine Cornelius, Miguel Martinez Lucio, Fiona Wilson, Suzanne Gagnon, MacKenzie, Eric Pezet - 2010
- Robert MacKenzie, C. Forde, Z. Ciupijus - 2010
- Chris Forde, MacKenzie - 2010
- MacKenzie - 2010
- Chris Forde, MacKenzie, Andrew Robinson - 2009
- Chris Forde, MacKenzie - 2009
- Jean Gardiner, Mark Stuart, MacKenzie, Chris Forde, Ian Greenwood, Rob Perrett - 2009
- MacKenzie, Chris Forde - 2009
- Patrik Larsson, Ann Bergman, Eriksson, Chris Forde, Robert MacKenzie, Andrew Robinson - 2009
- MacKenzie - 2009
- Chris Forde, Robert MacKenzie, Andrew Robinson - 2008
- MacKenzie - 2008
- Chris Forde, Robert MacKenzie, Andrew Robinson - 2008
- M. Stuart, C. Forde, Robert MacKenzie, E Wallis - 2007
- Chris Forde, MacKenzie - 2007
- Chris Forde, MacKenzie - 2007
- Robert MacKenzie, C. Forde - 2007
- Jean Gardiner, Mark Stuart, Chris Forde, Ian Greenwood, MacKenzie, Rob Perrett - 2007
- MacKenzie, Mark Stuart, Chris Forde, Ian Greenwood, Jean Gardiner, Robert Perrett - 2006
- Robert MacKenzie, Chris Forde - 2006
- MacKenzie, M. M. Lucio - 2005
- Chris Forde, MacKenzie - 2004
- Lucio M. Martinez, MacKenzie - 2004
- MacKenzie - 2002
- MacKenzie - 2000