News archive for "Ctf"

In December 2013 CTF has been appointed Excellence research group at Karlstad University. - With this appointment we are given the opportunity to develop and further strengthen our position as one of the leading research centers on service innovation in the world, says Director Henrietta Huzell.? As an Excellence research group CTF will receive up to 15 million SEK a year, for up to five years.

Joann Peck Visiting Professor

News » 2013-12-09
Joann Peck has been appointed Visiting Professor at CTF. The Visiting professorship is funded by Anne-Marie and Gustaf Ander Foundation for Media Research, which provide grants to cover the cost of a visiting professor at the CTF for a month during the next three years. - I am so excited to be invited as a Visiting professor at CTF and Karlstad University. I have been fortunate to work with Anders Gustafsson at CTF on several projects in various retail settings.
You’ve been appointed assistant director for Vipp Industrial graduate school as from January 1st 2014. Why is a professor in Psychology interested in industrial research in general and the forestry industry in particular? – I do research in psychology with business implications - among other things user innovation, creative organizations, service innovation and management.

Visit by Stephen Flowers

News » 2013-11-25
We welcome Stephen Flowers, Head of the Centre for Research in Innovation Management (CENTRIM) University of Brighton, who visiting us this week to meet with researchers Peter Magnusson and Per Echeverri. Stephen Flowers directs research activity within the Centre and also leads the Open and User Innovation research theme. Currently, he is undertaking research to answer six key questions: What are the characteristics of sites in which innovation by users and communiti
We caught up with Ph D Student Miha Uratnik, University of Ljubljana, Slovenien, who is currently visiting CTF. Hello Miha, what brings you to CTF, and what kind of research are you working on right now? - I am visiting CTF for two weeks to meet with Professor Per Kristensson, and other researchers at CTF. My research area is in service innovation with focus on customer relations (e.g. co-creation, co-production) and the role of social media.

Visit by Owen Waygood

News » 2013-11-12
Owen Waygood, assistant professor in the École supérieure d’aménagement du territoire et de développement régional (ÉSAD; Graduate School of Spatial Planning and Regional Development) at Université Laval in Quebec City, Canada, is visiting CTF this a week to meet with Margareta Friman, Professor and Director of Samot, and other researchers within Samot. Owen Waygood has a wide interest

Hello Prof Dr Phil Klaus...

News » 2013-11-08
...Cranfield University School of Management. You have been visiting CTF this week, what kind of research are you involved in right now? - After successfully conceptualizing and measuring Customer Experience (CX) in a wide variety of contexts worldwide, we recently explored CX management practices and their link to profitability.

Making a Difference with ACR

News » 2013-10-21
"Making a Difference" was the theme of the Association for Consumer Research North American Conference that was held October 3-6 in Chicago, USA. The conference had about 1500 participants, including several world-leading researcher in consumer behavior. CTF was represented by researchers Anders Gustafsson and Tobias Otterbring. Professor Anders Gustafsson and PhD Student Tobias Otterbring presented two studies.

Hello Katriina Järvi…

News » 2013-10-10
... Ph D Student from Aalto University in Finland, and one of our guest researchers. What are you working on at the moment? - I am working on two articles. In the first article we are investigating reflexivity to explain why and how service productization has different effects in different social contexts. In the second article we are adopting a multilevel view on studying service productization success.

Read the latest CTF News!

News » 2013-10-10
CTF News is our bimonthly newsletter where you can read about our research, researchers, upcoming CTF events and more. Go to CTF News no 5 >  
On September 18-20th the 1st Workshop on Service Innovation Research was held at University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro, Italy. A small group of prominent researchers were invited to create a common agenda for how research in the field of service innovation can be developed. About 30 researchers from Europe and the United States gathered to present and to discuss research. Keynote speaker was Tor.
... PhD Student from Kassel University in Germany. You have been visiting CTF for six weeks and are now back in Germany. What are you going to do next? - First of all, let me say that I really enjoyed my visit at CTF!

Hello Tor W Andreassen...

News » 2013-10-04
... Professor and Director for Center for Service Innovation, nice to see you here again, what brings you to CTF today? - I´m visiting CTF today to develop two new research ideas. One with Bo Edvardsson and Lars Witell on Service Innovation: Are managers and academics on the same page. This is an initial study to explore if the demand and supply side of service innovation knowledge is working on the same issues.
The new book "Handbook of Sustainable Travel" will soon be available on Springer Environmental Science. Editors: Tommy Gärling, Dick Ettema and Margareta Friman (all reserachers within Samot). Description of the book available on Youtube here.
Margareta Friman, Professor and Director at Samot, The Service and Market Oriented Transport Research Group at Karlstad University, has accepted an assignment in the External Advisory Board of Metpex. Metpex is a research project funded in the context of the 7th Framework Programme of the EU, aiming to develop and evaluate a standardised tool to measure passenger experience across whole journeys.

Guest researcher in SISB

News » 2013-09-03
In August Ph D Nancy Sirianni, Assistant Professor of Marketing at Northeastern University, USA, visited CTF. The purpose of her visit was to work on a project within the research profile SISB together with Tetra Pak. Anders Gustafsson, Bo Femtvik, Lars Witell and Nancy SirianniDuring her visit, Nancy Sirianni worked with researchers Lars Witell and Anders Gustafsson, CTF, and Bo Femtvik, Tetra Pak, on a project that involve the employee’s role in service innovation.

Hello Vassilis Charitsis ...

News » 2013-08-29
... Ph D Student in Business Administration at CTF and the research school Management and IT. Can you tell us about your Ph D studies? - I am about to start my second year of my PhD studies at CTF under the supervision of professor Per Skålén. I spent my first year taking PhD courses all over Sweden and building the theoretical foundation upon which the empirical part of my study will be based.
We welcome PhD Student Christoph Peters from Kassel University in Germany. He will be visiting us until October 4. Christoph Peters is a PhD Student at Kassel University where he works at the Chair of Information Systems led by Prof. Dr. Jan Marco Leimeister.  Christoph’s main research interests are service modularization and service modeling of complex services, i.e. they consist of person-oriented as well as IT service parts.
We welcome Dr Li Peilin, associate professor from School of Business Administration of Henan University of Economics and Law in China. He is here to work with Professor Bo Enquist and Ph D Samuel Petros Sebhatu, researchers in Samot, and will be visiting for one year. Dr Peilin's research interests lie in the area of corporate governance, corporate culture, HRM. For more infomation please visit the Henan University of Economics and Law website.
We welcome Katriina Järvi, Ph D Student from Aalto University BIT Research Centre, who will be visiting us for 6 months. Katrina JärviKatriina Järvi works as a project manager in IRIS research group at Aalto University BIT Research Centre. Her special interests are productisation of services, service innovation and involving customers in service development.