News archive for "Ctf"

Dr Yingzi Xu from Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, is one of our visiting researchers right now. She is here to work with Professor Bo Edvardsson and Associate Professor Bård Tronvoll and she will be staying for a month. Yingzi's research interests lie in the area of service research, with a particular interest in customer switching behavior and service recovery. For more infomation please visit the Auckland University website
Don´t miss the 1st Workshop on Service Innovation Research on September 18-20 in Catanzaro, Italy. The conference is hosted by University Magna Graecia of Catanzare in conjunction with CTF. Program and more information here.  
The research profile The New Service Economy Plus started 2011 and was completed this spring. It is a continuation of a previous research profile within the same area and is financed by Knowledge Foundation, Karlstad University and partner companies. - CTF has a long tradition of collaborating and co-producing with companies and organizations.
On June 10-13th about 200 researchers and practitioners from over 30 countries met at Karlstad University for QUIS13, The 13th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management. During the three day symposium new research findings were presented and future research questions were discussed. One of the keynote speakers was Gary Bridge, Cisco Systems, USA.

Read the latest CTF News!

News » 2013-08-14
CTF News is our bimonthly newsletter where you can read about our research, researchers, upcoming CTF events and more. The newsletter is published in February, April, June, August, October and December. Read the latest CTF News Read more here
The CSL Faculty Network Members have announced that Crina Tarasi, Central Michigan University, Ruth Bolton, Arizona State University, Anders Gustafsson and Lars Witell, CTF, Karlstad University, Sweden  are the recipients of the inaugural CSL Faculty Network Leading Edge Service Research Award to support their research project, "What drives the drivers of customer satisfaction?  Understanding how channel, service activity and country characteristics affect the drivers of customer satisfaction." 
Next week we welcome Janet R. McColl-Kennedy, Professor of Marketing, from The University of Queensland, Brisbane in Australia. She will be staying at CTF for two weeks. During her visit she will participate in a Advisory Board Meeting within the research profile SISB, Service Innovation for Sustainable Business, and to present at QUIS13.


News » 2013-05-23
Welcome to QUIS13 - The 13th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management June 10-13 in Karlstad, Sweden! Registration Online registration will close May 31. Register here If you have questions regarding your registration, please contact the conference administration E-mail Phone +46 54 700 18 06 Program We will start with a reception on Monday evening and sessions and social programs will continue until Thursday lunch.

Visit by Steve Vargo

News » 2013-04-29
This week Steve Vargo is visiting CTF. He will meet with the researchers at CTF and give a seminar on Service Innovation – a service dominant logic point of view. Later this week he will give a seminar at CSI, Center for Service Innovation in Norway. Read more here. Stephen L. Vargo is a Shidler Distinguished Professor and Professor of Marketing at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Visit by Bernard Cova

News » 2013-04-23
Bernard Cova is Professor of Marketing at Euromed Management, Marseilles and Visiting Professor at Bocconi University Milan. He is visiting CTF for a week to meet with Per Skålén and other researchers at CTF. Read more here >

Read the latest CTF News!

News » 2013-04-22
Read about ongoing research projects, new dissertation, upcoming events and more in the latest CTF News.  CTF News no 2, 2013 >

Welcome back Angela Caridà!

News » 2013-04-22
Angela Caridà, research fellow at University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro, Italy, will be visiting CTF during the next three months. This is her second time at CTF. She visited us during three months last year.  Angela Caridà have a Ph D in Economic and Management of Healthcare. Her main areas of interest are service innovation, interactive marketing and co-creation. In the last two years her research focus has been on the service innovation in healthcare.
Professor "Parsu" Parasuraman is visiting CTF at the end of this week. On Thursday he will give a seminar at CTF on the theme "?Importance and Impact of Programmatic Research: Insights from My Service Research Journey". ? On Friday he will be the faculty opponent for a dissertation with PhD Student Poja Shams. The dissertation "What Does it Take to Get your Attention?" is on the choices you make in stores. Read more about the dissertation here.
If a company wants to develop something radically new they shouldn’t listen too much to what the customer wants. Article from BI Norwegian Business School Read the article with our researchers Anders Gustafsson, Per Kristensson and Lars Witell here.
On March 1 Daniela Sangiorgi, researcher from Imagination Lancaster University in England, is visiting CTF. She conducts research on service innovation, service design, and service design as a changing tool in both public and private organizations.

Read the latest CTF News!

News » 2013-02-15
Read about ongoing research projects, new publications, upcoming events and more in the latest CTF News. CTF News no 1, 2013 >

Hello Pernille K Andersson...

News » 2013-02-11 Licentiate in Psychology, how does it feel?  - Great! It is interesting that someone else has looked into my work.
Keep updated on the latest news and events by following us on Facebook and Twitter. Stay up-to-date with the all the goings on at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University in Sweden. Follow us on Twitter and friend us on Facebook and we'll keep you updated with all our news and events. You can also follow some of our researchers on Twitter: CTF on Facebook CTF on Twitter Per Kristensson on Twitter Anders Gustafsson on Twitter Johan Quist on T

Visiting researcher

News » 2013-02-05
We welcome Ayako Taniguchi, Assistant Professor of Risk Engineering at University of Tsukuba, Japan, who will be visiting Samot, our Public Transport Research Group, until August 25th, 2013. Ayako Taniguchi has been working at Tokyo Institute of Technology, and as an engineer in Nihon Data Service (Consultancy Company).

Read the latest CTF News!

News » 2013-01-15
Read about our new Director, why you should spend your money on experiences instead of things, and more in our latest newsletter. Go to CTF News no 6, 2012.