News archive for "Forskning"

The ongoing climate crisis is not only destabilizing the Earth System but is also now adversely impacting the societal functions. This is now manifesting in negative social tipping dynamics such as anomie, radicalization, polarization, displacement, conflict and financial destabilization, at a global level – new research by Avit Bhowmik finds. The world is currently undergoing a turmoil.
At the start of summer, Henrik Rahm started his position as professor of Swedish language at Karlstad University. – As a new professor of Swedish language, I hope to inspire new linguistic and multidisciplinary research projects and show that language expertise is important in many contexts, says Henrik Rahm. Henrik Rahms is a linguist and holds a teaching degree in German, Swedish and Swedish as a second language.
New research at Karlstad University shows that "boyish" play behavior at the age of 7 can be linked to both behavioral problems and autistic traits. In a study that includes 718 children, researchers from Karlstad University and Uppsala University have identified clear connections between gender-role-related play and the development of behavioral challenges.
Researcher Tobias Pulls from the Department of Computer Science at Karlstad University, together with the Gothenburg-based company Mullvad VPN, has developed a new protection named DAITA ("Defense against AI-guided Traffic Analysis"). The protection against the rapid AI development in traffic analysis is available in Mullvad's VPN app on various platforms throughout the year, which has over a million downloads worldwide. "AI has become incredibly good at recognizing patte
After 15 years at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, Annika Rudman chose Karlstad University as her new base. – I chose Karlstad since I, just like the university, believe in and want to promote internationalisation and interdisciplinary research, says Annika Rudman, new professor of gender studies. The common denominator of Annika Rudman’s research is a keen interest in the role that gender plays in relation to law, society, politics, culture and human behaviour.
Researchers from Karlstad University, University of Gothenburg and Lund University have started a new research project with the aim of making hydropower more environmentally friendly. As climate change affects our watercourses, the researchers are looking for new ways to protect aquatic life and at the same time ensure reliable energy production. The project takes on the difficult balancing act between generating hydroelectric power and protecting the environment.
Anna-Britt Coe focuses her research on the relationship between activism and everyday life, and is a new professor in Sociology at Karlstad University since March 1st. “Common for sociological research here at the university is the focus on everyday life, which is unique in Sweden,” says Anna-Britt Coe. Anna-Britt Coe is a professor of Sociology and researches the relationship between activism and everyday life, demonstrating how these two are more integrated than we prev
As part of the university’s systematic quality assurance efforts, eight third-cycle subject areas (doctoral-level disciplines) have been reviewed by an external assessment group. All of them are rated as meeting a high standard in the report by the assessment group. The discipline of nursing received a positive assessment of their doctoral education.
The majority of all fictional writing is eventually forgotten by history. Only a few works and authorships become immortal. Why is that? What is it that generates and inhibits literary value? These are questions that Anna Forssberg and Anna Linzie try to answer in their research. Anna Forssberg is a docent in Comparative Literature and Anna Linzie is a senior lecturer in English at Karlstad University.
Stephen De Lisle, a biology researcher at Karlstad University, is one of the four recipients of the Swedish Foundations Starting Grant (SFSG), an initiative coordinated by seven research financiers to support outstanding researchers at Swedish academic institutions.
6G-PATH (6G-pilots and Trials Through Europe) is a new Horizon Europe project where Computer Science and Nursing Science at Karlstad University are participating. The project is going to develop solutions that can be applied in health education. 6G is expected to introduce new technologies that will enable innovative applications.
In the debate surrounding the autumn budget proposal, the question of how much money should be allocated to welfare was in focus. Various political perspectives were present in the debate, but those who are the recipients of welfare are rarely heard —actually, they are barely heard at all.


News » 2024-02-08
The need for increased cyber security is growing day by day. As a response, the Swedish government is investing a total of SEK 100 million over the next few years in Cybercampus Sweden, which has now opened with an inauguration at KTH. The purpose behind the investment is to strengthen both skills supply and research in cyber security.
In a more complex and troubled world, future pre-school teachers need to be better equipped to teach about norms related to the contemporary world, religion and world views. What does their own world view look like compared to that of society based on knowledge and research? Do they feel included in the way pre-school education programmes approach these matters?