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Two research projects at the Karlstad Business School were awarded 2,7 and 5 million by Forte, The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare. It is the subjects Business administration and Working life science that start up new projects starting next year. Forte, The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare announced the other day regarding the decision of the distribution of research funding.
Two research projects at the Karlstad Business School were awarded 2,7 and 5 million by Forte, The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare. It is the subjects Business administration and Working life science that start up new projects starting next year. Forte, The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare announced the other day regarding the decision of the distribution of research funding.
Having fun at work has been an important driving force and success factor ever since Altran started up in Värmland in 2011. Since then, Altran has grown from 2 to 40 employees in 7 years.
Having fun at work has been an important driving force and success factor ever since Altran started up in Värmland in 2011. Since then, Altran has grown from 2 to 40 employees in 7 years.
In October, CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, arranged a two day seminar on Service-Dominant Logic. The program was formed around Stephen L Vargo, one of the researchers behind the marketing theory, and one of the world’s top ranked researchers. - Our Service-Dominant Logic days were very successful.
In October, CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, arranged a two day seminar on Service-Dominant Logic. The program was formed around Stephen L Vargo, one of the researchers behind the marketing theory, and one of the world’s top ranked researchers. - Our Service-Dominant Logic days were very successful.
Education is obviously a valuable investment - it gives you possibilities. A good education is the ticket to your future career, but it is the actual knowledge that is the key to your own ability to think and reflect.
Education is obviously a valuable investment - it gives you possibilities. A good education is the ticket to your future career, but it is the actual knowledge that is the key to your own ability to think and reflect.
We welcome Andrey Abadzhiev, new PhD Student in Business Administration, at CTF. Andrey Abadzhiev joined CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, in June 2018.
We welcome Andrey Abadzhiev, new PhD Student in Business Administration, at CTF. Andrey Abadzhiev joined CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, in June 2018.
Students, alumni and representatives of local IT companies participated in the Karlstad Programming Contest, held on 6 October. At the end of the contest, team Bug Repellent, with Dan Wolff from Altran, Marcus Söder from Sogeti, and Niclas Fredriksson, computer science student at Karlstad University, emerged as winners with four solved tasks. "It was really fun to participate," says Marcus Söder from Sogeti.
Students, alumni and representatives of local IT companies participated in the Karlstad Programming Contest, held on 6 October. At the end of the contest, team Bug Repellent, with Dan Wolff from Altran, Marcus Söder from Sogeti, and Niclas Fredriksson, computer science student at Karlstad University, emerged as winners with four solved tasks. "It was really fun to participate," says Marcus Söder from Sogeti.
What is Information systems in healthcare and and what is the latest research with regard to information communication and collaboration among hospital-based medical teams?
PhD Student Jana Huck studies patient and employee involvement during the refinement of ideas for improving the Swedish Public Healthcare Service. The Swedish public healthcare sector is under immense pressure to innovate in order to adjust to major challenges. These challenges not only relate to a lack of resources and medical staff, but also to the demographic change towards an aging society and increasingly unhealthy society.
PhD Student Jana Huck studies patient and employee involvement during the refinement of ideas for improving the Swedish Public Healthcare Service. The Swedish public healthcare sector is under immense pressure to innovate in order to adjust to major challenges. These challenges not only relate to a lack of resources and medical staff, but also to the demographic change towards an aging society and increasingly unhealthy society.
A new study by researchers at Karlstad University and Lund University shows that there are both shortcomings and development potential in the food supply chain in terms of the environmental impact.
A new study by researchers at Karlstad University and Lund University shows that there are both shortcomings and development potential in the food supply chain in terms of the environmental impact.
In recent years, Karlstad University has invested in developing several flexible and international cutting-edge courses. During the spring semester of 2019, three new courses specifically aimed at professionals in the areas of service innovation and computer networking are offered. “Karlstad University establishes itself as one of the leading Swedish institutions by offering these type of courses.