News archive

One of the UN Global Sustainable Development Goals is to reduce by half, the 1,3 billion tons of edible food wasted annually by 2030. Helén Williams, Associate Professor in Environmental and Energy Systems at Karlstad University, is determined to contribute to this goal with insights on the role and environmental impact of packaging.
PhD Student, Alexandre Sukhov, has published an article that investigates citizen involvement in evaluations of new ideas for Public Transport Services. Idea evaluation is a voting process where citizens can express their likes and dislikes for new innovation projects that may impact their lives.
PhD Student, Alexandre Sukhov, has published an article that investigates citizen involvement in evaluations of new ideas for Public Transport Services. Idea evaluation is a voting process where citizens can express their likes and dislikes for new innovation projects that may impact their lives.
In a new three-year project, researchers at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, will develop new knowledge about elderly's travel habits. The purpose is to map factors that may be important for changed behavior and more sustainable travel habits among the elderly.
In a new three-year project, researchers at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, will develop new knowledge about elderly's travel habits. The purpose is to map factors that may be important for changed behavior and more sustainable travel habits among the elderly.
The climate is changing. This poses severe risks to humans, societies, and ecosystems on which human well-being depends. Sweden is one of the countries described as a frontrunner in meeting the challenges of climate change. In addition to reducing human influence on the climate, these challenges also include climate change adaptation. However, even Sweden’s responses to these challenges are described as deficient in both rankings and research.
The climate is changing. This poses severe risks to humans, societies, and ecosystems on which human well-being depends. Sweden is one of the countries described as a frontrunner in meeting the challenges of climate change. In addition to reducing human influence on the climate, these challenges also include climate change adaptation. However, even Sweden’s responses to these challenges are described as deficient in both rankings and research.
On 18-20 of June, BioWiseTrans partners Nordregio, NIBIO, LUKE, Oslo University and Karlstad University came together in Hamar and sorroundings for its second workshop. Like last time and importantly, different stakeholders from Norway, Sweden and Finland joined us. The meeting focused on the need to address and study conflicts and synergies in the ongoing transition towards a fully biobased economy.
On 18-20 of June, BioWiseTrans partners Nordregio, NIBIO, LUKE, Oslo University and Karlstad University came together in Hamar and sorroundings for its second workshop. Like last time and importantly, different stakeholders from Norway, Sweden and Finland joined us. The meeting focused on the need to address and study conflicts and synergies in the ongoing transition towards a fully biobased economy.
UKÄ, Swedish Higher Education Authority (Universitetskanslerämbetet), has evaluated the quality of PhD programmes in computer science at Swedish higher education institutions. The PhD programme in computer science at Karlstad University is reviewed to be of high quality in the evaluation. "During the last three years, our PhD programme has grown remarkably, just like other aspects of our activities.
UKÄ, Swedish Higher Education Authority (Universitetskanslerämbetet), has evaluated the quality of PhD programmes in computer science at Swedish higher education institutions. The PhD programme in computer science at Karlstad University is reviewed to be of high quality in the evaluation. "During the last three years, our PhD programme has grown remarkably, just like other aspects of our activities.
UKÄ, Swedish Higher Education Authority (Universitetskanslerämbetet), has evaluated the quality of PhD programmes in computer science at Swedish higher education institutions. The PhD programme in computer science at Karlstad University is reviewed to be of high quality in the evaluation. "During the last three years, our PhD programme has grown remarkably, just like other aspects of our activities.
Computer Science at Karlstad University is part of a new project where the Internet Foundation (IIS) and Netnod are gathering operators, technicians and other stakeholders in order to take a common approach in defining Internet access. The purpose is to make it easier for users and service providers to be aware and agree upon what is expected of the access one is paying for. More and more aspects of society are increasingly dependent upon a stable Internet connection.
Computer Science at Karlstad University is part of a new project where the Internet Foundation (IIS) and Netnod are gathering operators, technicians and other stakeholders in order to take a common approach in defining Internet access. The purpose is to make it easier for users and service providers to be aware and agree upon what is expected of the access one is paying for. More and more aspects of society are increasingly dependent upon a stable Internet connection.
Computer Science at Karlstad University is part of a new project where the Internet Foundation (IIS) and Netnod are gathering operators, technicians and other stakeholders in order to take a common approach in defining Internet access. The purpose is to make it easier for users and service providers to be aware and agree upon what is expected of the access one is paying for. More and more aspects of society are increasingly dependent upon a stable Internet connection.