News archive

In recent years, Karlstad University has invested in developing several flexible and international cutting-edge courses. During the spring semester of 2019, three new courses specifically aimed at professionals in the areas of service innovation and computer networking are offered. “Karlstad University establishes itself as one of the leading Swedish institutions by offering these type of courses.
In recent years, Karlstad University has invested in developing several flexible and international cutting-edge courses. During the spring semester of 2019, three new courses specifically aimed at professionals in the areas of service innovation and computer networking are offered. “Karlstad University establishes itself as one of the leading Swedish institutions by offering these type of courses.
On 27–28 September, Computer Science at Karlstad University organised a workshop to gain external input on the research group. Staff presented the research environment to an International Advisory Board (IAB) that gave feedback for further development. It was clear that the Computer Science research group has developed significantly on many fronts since been designated an excellent research environment in 2014.
On 27–28 September, Computer Science at Karlstad University organised a workshop to gain external input on the research group. Staff presented the research environment to an International Advisory Board (IAB) that gave feedback for further development. It was clear that the Computer Science research group has developed significantly on many fronts since been designated an excellent research environment in 2014.
The book ”Arbete & Välfärd” (Work & Welfare) will be out in February 2019, but has already been awarded one on of the honorary awards of Kurslitteraturpriset – Sweden's highest award to authors of new course literature.
The book ”Arbete & Välfärd” (Work & Welfare) will be out in February 2019, but has already been awarded one on of the honorary awards of Kurslitteraturpriset – Sweden's highest award to authors of new course literature.
New research at Karlstad University shows that pulp mills can save millions by using a new measuring technique. This new technique enables control of the pulping process, thus reducing the demand of chemicals, water and energy.
New research at Karlstad University shows that pulp mills can save millions by using a new measuring technique. This new technique enables control of the pulping process, thus reducing the demand of chemicals, water and energy.
The online course "Servitization" will start in January 2019, and is now open for application until October 15th, 2018. Servitization, also called service infusion or service-product systems, is a highly important issue for many manufacturing companies around the world.
The online course "Servitization" will start in January 2019, and is now open for application until October 15th, 2018. Servitization, also called service infusion or service-product systems, is a highly important issue for many manufacturing companies around the world.
The online course "Servitization" will start in January 2019, and is now open for application until October 15th, 2018. Servitization, also called service infusion or service-product systems, is a highly important issue for many manufacturing companies around the world.
Starting in January 2019, the online course "Idea Management" will give you a review of idea management practices, and teach you how to manage the generation, refinement, and assessment of ideas for both product and service innovations. Idea Management (6 ECTS credits) is a web-based course at master’s level developed for professionals working with or having an interest in service, customer experiences and business development.
Starting in January 2019, the online course "Idea Management" will give you a review of idea management practices, and teach you how to manage the generation, refinement, and assessment of ideas for both product and service innovations. Idea Management (6 ECTS credits) is a web-based course at master’s level developed for professionals working with or having an interest in service, customer experiences and business development.
Starting in January 2019, the online course "Idea Management" will give you a review of idea management practices, and teach you how to manage the generation, refinement, and assessment of ideas for both product and service innovations. Idea Management (6 ECTS credits) is a web-based course at master’s level developed for professionals working with or having an interest in service, customer experiences and business development.

Networking leads to jobs

News » 2018-09-28
Networking and being involved in different activities during your studies pay off. This was clear at this years’ IT dinner on 20 September when students met representatives from companies that are part of Snits, a network linking industry and IT students at Karlstad University. During the introductory presentation, all ten participating companies emphasised that many students get job offers after completing their degree projects.

Networking leads to jobs

News » 2018-09-28
Networking and being involved in different activities during your studies pay off. This was clear at this years’ IT dinner on 20 September when students met representatives from companies that are part of Snits, a network linking industry and IT students at Karlstad University. During the introductory presentation, all ten participating companies emphasised that many students get job offers after completing their degree projects.

Networking leads to jobs

News » 2018-09-28
Networking and being involved in different activities during your studies pay off. This was clear at this years’ IT dinner on 20 September when students met representatives from companies that are part of Snits, a network linking industry and IT students at Karlstad University. During the introductory presentation, all ten participating companies emphasised that many students get job offers after completing their degree projects.
A new study in the SELMA project at Karlstad University, Sweden, shows that flooring material of soft PVC in the home is a source for uptake of phthalates in pregnant women, phthalates that are considered dangerous in the EU chemical regulation system. PVC flooring often contain phthalates to make the plastic soft.
A new study in the SELMA project at Karlstad University, Sweden, shows that flooring material of soft PVC in the home is a source for uptake of phthalates in pregnant women, phthalates that are considered dangerous in the EU chemical regulation system. PVC flooring often contain phthalates to make the plastic soft.
There is a shift happening within service design from designing something "out there" to designing ourselves. This shift opens up questions about how we might design our "systemic-self" and what new approaches we need to do so. In service design, there is often a focus on mapping the service systems we wish to change. We create personas, draw user journeys and plot out the different stakeholders.