
  • 2024-09-23

    Words from senior management: New playing field and new possibilities

    This year, a commission led by Peter Honeth – former state secretary at the Ministry of Education and Research – has been working on behalf of the government to develop a series of proposals to improve teacher education. A survey on how to strengthen support for Swedish STEM programmes (mathematics, technology, and natural sciences) has also been conducted and a report will be presented at the end of the year.

    The purpose of the investigation into teacher education is for more pupils in compulsory and upper secondary school to complete their education and to do so with a sound set of skills and knowledge. The investigators have visited a selection of higher education institutions offering teacher education programmes, including Karlstad University, where we participated in an interview round at the end of spring. One of the themes during the interviews was the importance of concrete knowledge and what teachers need to know in order to teach young people how to read, write and count.

  • 2024-09-20

    Materials research for the future

    Materials research at Karlstad University has a long tradition. With strong external funding and close collaboration with the industrial and regional actors, they are now establishing the Materials Research Group, MRG@KaU, taking further steps to contribute through basic and applied research to a sustainable future in material science.

    – In total, approximately 40 active researchers are involved in the Materials Research Group at Karlstad university, says Ellen Moons, Professor of Physics and one of the coordinators of the research environment. A strong interdisciplinary collaboration has developed within the team, with research activities ranging from basic materials research to applied research and industrial applications, as well as between experiments and modelling on length scales from nanometer to micrometer and to the macro-scale level.

  • 2024-09-17

    Dissonance in focus during the conference A Sustainable Tomorrow

    With only six years left until 2030, the world is marked by war and conflict and many sustainability indicators are pointing in the wrong direction. This year’s A Sustainable Tomorrow gathered 30,000 interested individuals via 200 hubs around Scandinavia. One of those hubs was Karlstad University.

    The theme this year was “dissonance” – methods and examples to bridge the gap between what we know we must do and what we actually do.

    – Most of us are also guilty of some degree of ignorance, said Jerker Moodysson, Vice-Chancellor of Karlstad University. For instance, I drive more than I’m entirely comfortable with, despite knowing it’s harmful to the environment and that we must make significant changes in every possible way to avoid further environmental decline.

  • 2024-09-17

    Karlstad University launches new bachelor's program in artificial intelligence

    Karlstad University is now launching a new bachelor's program in computer science with a focus on artificial intelligence (AI) that will start in the fall of 2025. The program is designed to meet the growing demand for AI expertise in both the IT sector and other fields and is offered in a unique hybrid format, enabling flexible distance learning for both national and international students.

    Stefan Lindskog, Dean of the Faculty of Health, Science, and Technology explains why we are introducing the program:

  • 2024-09-16

    New professor of guitar at Ingesund

    The teacher and musician Georg Gulyás teaches guitar, chamber music, and guitar methodology at the Ingesund School of Music. After his promotion, he can now call himself a professor.

    Georg Gulyás was born in Säffle, and his Hungarian father worked at the city’s library while his Finnish mother worked with the church’s children’s hours. His basic qualification in classical guitar is from the Malmö Academy of Music. After graduating, he continued his studies at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm, École Normale de Musique de Paris, and Juilliard School in New York. He was employed at the Ingesund School of Music in 2012, where his work mainly consists of teaching solo performance on guitar, chamber music, and instrumental methodology.

  • 2024-09-13

    Ingesund Gets Adjunct Professor and New Vocal Pedagogue

    Singer and vocal pedagogue Anne Margrethe Dahl has a broad repertoire and has made an international career with productions on major opera stages for which she has been praised. She is a respected name in the opera world, and Ingesund School of Music is now pleased to welcome her as an adjunct professor. She will be joined by mezzo-soprano and vocal pedagogue Katija Dragojevic, who will teach in the bachelor and master musician programs.

    Anne Margrethe Dahl was educated at The Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen. After graduating, she continued her studies in New York. She debuted as Donna Anna at Aarhus Sommeropera. From 1999 to 2016, Anne Margrethe Dahl was a soloist at The Royal Theatre, Copenhagen. She has sung a wide repertoire including Tosca, Lady Macbeth, Marguerite (Faust), Gilda (Rigoletto), Helmwige (Die Walküre), Vitellia (La Clemenza di Tito), Rosalinde (Die Fledermaus), Mimi (La Bohème), and The Countess (Le Nozze di Figaro).

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