Forskningspraktik: Engelsk språkvetenskap
7.5 HPWould you like to get hand-on research experience, becoming part of an
actual linguistic research project? English at Karlstad University is
now offering Master?s level students the opportunity to participate in
ongoing research projects, for course credit. Students will become a
member of the project team and work in close collaboration with
researchers based in the department, and at times with their national
and international collaborators. Tasks may include logistical project
planning, reviewing of research literature, communicating with
informants, and contributing to data collection, preparation, and
analysis. The exact nature of tasks depends on the project contribution
agreed on at the outset of the course. Advanced academic and
self-directed learning skills as well as proficiency in scholarly
discourse in English are expected. This course is highly recommended if
you are planning to continue on to PhD studies.
actual linguistic research project? English at Karlstad University is
now offering Master?s level students the opportunity to participate in
ongoing research projects, for course credit. Students will become a
member of the project team and work in close collaboration with
researchers based in the department, and at times with their national
and international collaborators. Tasks may include logistical project
planning, reviewing of research literature, communicating with
informants, and contributing to data collection, preparation, and
analysis. The exact nature of tasks depends on the project contribution
agreed on at the outset of the course. Advanced academic and
self-directed learning skills as well as proficiency in scholarly
discourse in English are expected. This course is highly recommended if
you are planning to continue on to PhD studies.
A1F (har kurs/er på avancerad nivå som förkunskapskrav)
Avancerad nivå
90 hp på grundnivå varav minst 30 hp på G2F-nivå inom något av huvudområdena engelska, annat språkämne eller språkvetenskap; 30 hp på avancerad nivå varav minst 22,5 hp ska vara med språkvetenskaplig inriktning. Gymnasiets Engelska 6. Motsvarandebedömning kan göras.
Kursen ingår i följande program
Mer information
Detaljer för Distans (Ortsoberoende), 25%
- Studieort: Ortsoberoende