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The book "Stoppa matsvinnet! – en förpackad lösning" (unofficial translation: Stop Wasting Food — a Package Solution), written by Fredrik Wikström and Helén Williams, was named the winner in the Food, Climate and Environment category in the contest “Årets Svenska Måltidslitteratur 2022”. Fredrik Wikström and Helén Williams are active at Service Research Center (CTF), as well as at the discipline of Energy and Environmental Technology at Karlstad University.
The book "Stoppa matsvinnet! – en förpackad lösning" (unofficial translation: Stop Wasting Food — a Package Solution), written by Fredrik Wikström and Helén Williams, was named the winner in the Food, Climate and Environment category in the contest “Årets Svenska Måltidslitteratur 2022”. Fredrik Wikström and Helén Williams are active at Service Research Center (CTF), as well as at the discipline of Energy and Environmental Technology at Karlstad University.

A delayed visit

News » 2022-12-05
Stefanija Klaric from Darwin, Australia was supposed to visit us three years ago, but then the pandemic happened. Finally, she has arrived at Karlstad University and is currently exchanging experiences with fellow engineering scholars. – I have been here a while now and it’s very rewarding to meet both teachers and students here at Karlstad University, says Stefanija Klaric, associate professor at Charles Darwin University.

A delayed visit

News » 2022-12-05
Stefanija Klaric from Darwin, Australia was supposed to visit us three years ago, but then the pandemic happened. Finally, she has arrived at Karlstad University and is currently exchanging experiences with fellow engineering scholars. – I have been here a while now and it’s very rewarding to meet both teachers and students here at Karlstad University, says Stefanija Klaric, associate professor at Charles Darwin University.
On November 16-17, the DRIVE project held a two-day kick-off meeting at Karlstad University. The aim for the kick-off was to get the DRIVE and its subprojects officially started and to let all partner representatives and researchers meet face-to-face. - I am very excited to get started!
On November 16-17, the DRIVE project held a two-day kick-off meeting at Karlstad University. The aim for the kick-off was to get the DRIVE and its subprojects officially started and to let all partner representatives and researchers meet face-to-face. - I am very excited to get started!
On November 16-17, the DRIVE project held a two-day kick-off meeting at Karlstad University. The aim for the kick-off was to get the DRIVE and its subprojects officially started and to let all partner representatives and researchers meet face-to-face. - I am very excited to get started!
On November 16-17, the DRIVE project held a two-day kick-off meeting at Karlstad University. The aim for the kick-off was to get the DRIVE and its subprojects officially started and to let all partner representatives and researchers meet face-to-face. - I am very excited to get started!
With the article “Assessing travel satisfaction in public transport: A configurational approach”, researchers at Karlstad Business School and the subject of psychology have attracted global attention. - This shows that our research has an impact, says Alexandre Sukhov. Alexandre Sukhov, Margareta Friman and Lars E.
With the article “Assessing travel satisfaction in public transport: A configurational approach”, researchers at Karlstad Business School and the subject of psychology have attracted global attention. - This shows that our research has an impact, says Alexandre Sukhov. Alexandre Sukhov, Margareta Friman and Lars E.
With the article “Assessing travel satisfaction in public transport: A configurational approach”, researchers at Karlstad Business School and the subject of psychology have attracted global attention. - This shows that our research has an impact, says Alexandre Sukhov. Alexandre Sukhov, Margareta Friman and Lars E.
One third of all the food that is being produced today is thrown away. Why is that? What can producers, service providers and consumers do to reduce food waste? What role does packing play?
One third of all the food that is being produced today is thrown away. Why is that? What can producers, service providers and consumers do to reduce food waste? What role does packing play?
In a recently published perspective article in the prestigious journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers put forward an agenda for integrated climate catastrophe assessment, emphasizing the need for in-depth understanding of climate change induced mass human mortality and even extinction.  In a commentary article published in the same journal, Research Director of Centre for Research on Sustainable Societal Transformation and Assistant Professor
Firms are investing heavily in boosting the smartness of their service systems. Think of McDonalds who developed a smart application to send customers convenient location-specific deals; or Google who is devoting considerable funds into creating ever-smarter homes where customers gain control over a wide array of home devices.
Firms are investing heavily in boosting the smartness of their service systems. Think of McDonalds who developed a smart application to send customers convenient location-specific deals; or Google who is devoting considerable funds into creating ever-smarter homes where customers gain control over a wide array of home devices.
In a recently published perspective article in the prestigious journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers put forward an agenda for integrated climate catastrophe assessment, emphasizing the need for in-depth understanding of climate change induced mass human mortality and even extinction.  In a commentary article published in the same journal, Research Director of Centre for Research on Sustainable Societal Transformation and Assistant Professor
In a recently published perspective article in the prestigious journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers put forward an agenda for integrated climate catastrophe assessment, emphasizing the need for in-depth understanding of climate change induced mass human mortality and even extinction.  In a commentary article published in the same journal, Research Director of Centre for Research on Sustainable Societal Transformation and Assistant Professor
In a recently published perspective article in the prestigious journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers put forward an agenda for integrated climate catastrophe assessment, emphasizing the need for in-depth understanding of climate change induced mass human mortality and even extinction.  In a commentary article published in the same journal, Research Director of Centre for Research on Sustainable Societal Transformation and Assistant Professor