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The climate movement groups Fridays for Future and Extinction Rebellion aim for the same goal while using different methods. Sol Agin, who recently completed her PhD in media and communication studies, has focused her research on their way of communicating about an extremely complicated subject. When Swedish people speak up on behalf of the environment, they prefer to do so in the form of peaceful protests inspired by Greta Thunberg’s work with Fridays for Future.
The climate movement groups Fridays for Future and Extinction Rebellion aim for the same goal while using different methods. Sol Agin, who recently completed her PhD in media and communication studies, has focused her research on their way of communicating about an extremely complicated subject. When Swedish people speak up on behalf of the environment, they prefer to do so in the form of peaceful protests inspired by Greta Thunberg’s work with Fridays for Future.
Bio-based resources from well managed forests play important roles in transition to a sustainable society. In WoodPro, the research team will explore new processing chains that convert forest residues to high-value industrial chemicals and soil amendment products. - WoodPro is an EU cooperation in form of a consortium with three sub-projects hosted in Karlstad University, the Natural Resources Institute in Finland (LUKE) and the University of Eastern Finland (UEF).
Bio-based resources from well managed forests play important roles in transition to a sustainable society. In WoodPro, the research team will explore new processing chains that convert forest residues to high-value industrial chemicals and soil amendment products. - WoodPro is an EU cooperation in form of a consortium with three sub-projects hosted in Karlstad University, the Natural Resources Institute in Finland (LUKE) and the University of Eastern Finland (UEF).
In 2016, Karlstad University was given the right to issue a Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts at Ingesund School of Music. The experiences gained from that application process were then utilised in a new application for a Degree of Master of Fine Arts, which was submitted to the Swedish Higher Education Authority, UKÄ. The application has now been approved and Ingesund School of Music can issue a master’s degree.
Teacher motivation is a major factor affecting students’ motivation to learn a second language. But what motivates the teachers? English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers’ motivation has not been given enough attention, particularly in China, where English plays a key role. A new thesis study at Karlstad University investigates the motivation of English teachers at the university level in China.
What a boost! Rarely has it been so much fun to meet people again, as in March when the corona restrictions finally lifted. We had a planning conference in Sunne, and the energy when we could finally interact in the same physical space again, was almost palpable. Since then, our organisation has reached new heights.
What a boost! Rarely has it been so much fun to meet people again, as in March when the corona restrictions finally lifted. We had a planning conference in Sunne, and the energy when we could finally interact in the same physical space again, was almost palpable. Since then, our organisation has reached new heights.
...Professor of Energy and Environmental Technology. Your research on packaging and food waste is currently gaining much international attention. What is this research about? – Yes, that’s correct! My colleague Helén Williams and I have written an article based on our research on packaging and food waste. We wrote it on behalf of an Australian organisation, 360info.
...Professor of Energy and Environmental Technology. Your research on packaging and food waste is currently gaining much international attention. What is this research about? – Yes, that’s correct! My colleague Helén Williams and I have written an article based on our research on packaging and food waste. We wrote it on behalf of an Australian organisation, 360info.
Karlstad University has been granted funds from the Knowledge Foundation, for conducting research on energy-efficient tissue manufacturing, in collaboration with the paper industry.
Karlstad University has been granted funds from the Knowledge Foundation, for conducting research on energy-efficient tissue manufacturing, in collaboration with the paper industry.
Karlstad University has been granted funds from the Knowledge Foundation, for conducting research on energy-efficient tissue manufacturing, in collaboration with the paper industry.
Hello Klas and welcome to CTF and Karlstad University! Can you tell us about your background and your research? – Thank you! I have a PhD from Technology Management and Economics at Chalmers University of Technology. For several years, I have also had various positions within the automotive industry as well as the space industry. In recent years I have worked at Volvo, with research and development work connected to products and services for the aftermarket.
Hello Klas and welcome to CTF and Karlstad University! Can you tell us about your background and your research? – Thank you! I have a PhD from Technology Management and Economics at Chalmers University of Technology. For several years, I have also had various positions within the automotive industry as well as the space industry. In recent years I have worked at Volvo, with research and development work connected to products and services for the aftermarket.
Bo Edvardsson, professor at Karlstad Business Service Research Center (CTF), and Bård Tronvoll, professor at CTF and Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, are the editors for the newly published Palgrave Handbook of Service Management. - The book provides a unique and current overview of service management research, says Bo Edvardsson.
Bo Edvardsson, professor at Karlstad Business Service Research Center (CTF), and Bård Tronvoll, professor at CTF and Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, are the editors for the newly published Palgrave Handbook of Service Management. - The book provides a unique and current overview of service management research, says Bo Edvardsson.
Bo Edvardsson, professor at Karlstad Business Service Research Center (CTF), and Bård Tronvoll, professor at CTF and Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, are the editors for the newly published Palgrave Handbook of Service Management. - The book provides a unique and current overview of service management research, says Bo Edvardsson.
Bo Edvardsson, professor at Karlstad Business Service Research Center (CTF), and Bård Tronvoll, professor at CTF and Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, are the editors for the newly published Palgrave Handbook of Service Management. - The book provides a unique and current overview of service management research, says Bo Edvardsson.
Johan Netz is senior lecturer in Business Administration and an active researcher and teacher. On 1 July, he will take over as head of department at Karlstad Business School. – It will be an exciting, fun and interesting challenge,  says Johan Netz. Karlstad Business School is a good organisation full of expertise and opportunities. Johan Netz is currently the programme director for the Industrial Engineering and Management programme at Karlstad Business School.