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... What research area will you conduct research in and what will you focus on? - I will conduct research in the organizational psychology field focusing on the individual in organizational change. It is a well-known fact that organizational change often entails major challenges for employees within an organization, and that many difficulties linked to different change initiatives often can be traced back to psychological or psychosocial factors in the individual.
... What research area will you conduct research in and what will you focus on? - I will conduct research in the organizational psychology field focusing on the individual in organizational change. It is a well-known fact that organizational change often entails major challenges for employees within an organization, and that many difficulties linked to different change initiatives often can be traced back to psychological or psychosocial factors in the individual.
At the end of March, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) hosted the webinar Dark Commercial Patterns: Experiences and Tools for Education and Business Guidance. Agnieszka Kitowska, postdoctoral researcher in Computer Science, was one of the speakers.
At the end of March, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) hosted the webinar Dark Commercial Patterns: Experiences and Tools for Education and Business Guidance. Agnieszka Kitowska, postdoctoral researcher in Computer Science, was one of the speakers.
As editor, Robert MacKenzie at Karlstad Business School has added new chapters to an already well-established book on International Human Resource Management (IHRM). The book covers issues related to work and employment in a global perspective, focusing on the importance of context.
As editor, Robert MacKenzie at Karlstad Business School has added new chapters to an already well-established book on International Human Resource Management (IHRM). The book covers issues related to work and employment in a global perspective, focusing on the importance of context.
As editor, Robert MacKenzie at Karlstad Business School has added new chapters to an already well-established book on International Human Resource Management (IHRM). The book covers issues related to work and employment in a global perspective, focusing on the importance of context.
Researchers Avit Bhowmik and Sol Agin comment on the latest report from The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). For the very first time, IPCC explicitly recognized and emphasized the role of diverse non-state and subnational actors in climate action.
Researchers Avit Bhowmik and Sol Agin comment on the latest report from The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). For the very first time, IPCC explicitly recognized and emphasized the role of diverse non-state and subnational actors in climate action.
What barriers do consumers face on the digital market place, and how can these be counteracted? In a project with the Swedish Consumer Agency, researchers at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, have examined this issue.
What barriers do consumers face on the digital market place, and how can these be counteracted? In a project with the Swedish Consumer Agency, researchers at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, have examined this issue.
Christina Öberg, Professor of Business Administration at Karlstad Business School, has been granted research funding for an interview study on the issues related to the distribution of environmental effects. – Our rural areas has a purpose, while society at large has an environmental objective, says Christina Öberg. The problem is that these two do not go together well.
Christina Öberg, Professor of Business Administration at Karlstad Business School, has been granted research funding for an interview study on the issues related to the distribution of environmental effects. – Our rural areas has a purpose, while society at large has an environmental objective, says Christina Öberg. The problem is that these two do not go together well.
Our day-to-day activities increasingly depend on digital technologies as we use online services in various contexts of our lives. We use social media and messaging applications to strengthen our social relationships. We use online-based tools for work, entertainment, health and well-being, as well as shopping. The majority of those technological interactions require us to accept the Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) before we can proceed with using the service.
Our day-to-day activities increasingly depend on digital technologies as we use online services in various contexts of our lives. We use social media and messaging applications to strengthen our social relationships. We use online-based tools for work, entertainment, health and well-being, as well as shopping. The majority of those technological interactions require us to accept the Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) before we can proceed with using the service.
For just over two years, Karlstad University along with society at large has followed the Public Health Agency’s guidelines, recommendations, and information due to the Covid-19 pandemic. With the pandemic now slowing down, special measures are no longer needed and the information will therefore be removed.