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We are happy to welcome Professor Helen Perks. She has been appointed Visiting Professor at CTF for three years. Her research centers on relationships and networks in service and product innovation. "I am very delighted for this opportunity to work with colleagues at CTF, continuing a long relationship with the Centre.
What drives, limits and enables growth in people in the music industry outside the big cities? What is the role of social media? What is the importance of having a network when the physical arenas close down? And how can you create value in an ecosystem of different players? These are some of the questions included in the research project MECO. MECO has looked at what is needed in order to stimulate, educate and develop the industry in a sustainable and inclusive way.
What drives, limits and enables growth in people in the music industry outside the big cities? What is the role of social media? What is the importance of having a network when the physical arenas close down? And how can you create value in an ecosystem of different players? These are some of the questions included in the research project MECO. MECO has looked at what is needed in order to stimulate, educate and develop the industry in a sustainable and inclusive way.
What drives, limits and enables growth in people in the music industry outside the big cities? What is the role of social media? What is the importance of having a network when the physical arenas close down? And how can you create value in an ecosystem of different players? These are some of the questions included in the research project MECO. MECO has looked at what is needed in order to stimulate, educate and develop the industry in a sustainable and inclusive way.
… you were the project manager for one of the subprojects within the now completed Interregg project "Response". Can you tell us about the project? - Yes, that’s right. Together with Nicklas Salomonson at the University of Borås, I have studied how travellers with different forms of disability experience mobility services.
… you were the project manager for one of the subprojects within the now completed Interregg project "Response". Can you tell us about the project? - Yes, that’s right. Together with Nicklas Salomonson at the University of Borås, I have studied how travellers with different forms of disability experience mobility services.
From today, 9 February, the majority of the Covid-19 restrictions concerning the university’s activities will be lifted. This means that we can begin a gradual return to normal on-campus teaching.
The digitalisation of society has led to a constant pursuit of better performance. Through a new research project, Computer Science at Karlstad University wants to help speed up the process. Waiting for changes in the major operating systems Linux and Windows is time-consuming.
The digitalisation of society has led to a constant pursuit of better performance. Through a new research project, Computer Science at Karlstad University wants to help speed up the process. Waiting for changes in the major operating systems Linux and Windows is time-consuming.
The digitalisation of society has led to a constant pursuit of better performance. Through a new research project, Computer Science at Karlstad University wants to help speed up the process. Waiting for changes in the major operating systems Linux and Windows is time-consuming.
Welcome back Federico Artusi! In 2019, you were a visiting PhD student at CTF and Karlstad Business School. Now you are back to teach and conduct research. How does if feel and what have you been doing since last time? - Thank you, it is wonderful to be back! I feel very excited, and thanks to my previous visit I am a bit familar with the place and the people here. During my previous stay I was finalizing my PhD studies.
Welcome back Federico Artusi! In 2019, you were a visiting PhD student at CTF and Karlstad Business School. Now you are back to teach and conduct research. How does if feel and what have you been doing since last time? - Thank you, it is wonderful to be back! I feel very excited, and thanks to my previous visit I am a bit familar with the place and the people here. During my previous stay I was finalizing my PhD studies.
One of the most significant transformations from analogue to digital has occurred during the pandemic to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus. More and more tasks are becoming digitalized, from daily work assignments to communicating with external parties. This rapid transformation has pushed organizations and individuals to develop their overall digital competence rapidly.  This blog post presents an ongoing study on measuring digital competence.
One of the most significant transformations from analogue to digital has occurred during the pandemic to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus. More and more tasks are becoming digitalized, from daily work assignments to communicating with external parties. This rapid transformation has pushed organizations and individuals to develop their overall digital competence rapidly.  This blog post presents an ongoing study on measuring digital competence.

Welcome David Johansson!

News » 2022-02-03
David Johansson successfully defended his thesis on tort and intellectual property law at Uppsala University in 2020. Today, he works as senior lecturer at Karlstad Business School. - Intellectual property law is the law that deals with the protection of, for example, trademarks, designs, patents and copyright, David Johansson explains, newly appointed senior lecturer at the Karlstad Business School.

Welcome David Johansson!

News » 2022-02-03
David Johansson successfully defended his thesis on tort and intellectual property law at Uppsala University in 2020. Today, he works as senior lecturer at Karlstad Business School. - Intellectual property law is the law that deals with the protection of, for example, trademarks, designs, patents and copyright, David Johansson explains, newly appointed senior lecturer at the Karlstad Business School.
Christina Öberg, professor of Marketing, have received a research scholarship from the Knut & Ragnvi Jacobsson Family Foundation for the project "Dealing with the unforeseen - prediction and change in the light of the pandemic and AI". The project deals with developing research on corporate networks and how business leaders perceive and are affected by networks in decision-making situations.  - I have focused my research on networks between companies for almost 20 yea