News archive

Johan Netz is senior lecturer in Business Administration and an active researcher and teacher. On 1 July, he will take over as head of department at Karlstad Business School. – It will be an exciting, fun and interesting challenge,  says Johan Netz. Karlstad Business School is a good organisation full of expertise and opportunities. Johan Netz is currently the programme director for the Industrial Engineering and Management programme at Karlstad Business School.
Björn Sjöstrand, senior lecturer in Chemical Engineering, has been awarded the Heinzel-Mondi-Sappi Award for his research on the virtual paper machine. His research makes it possible to optimise and test the manufacturing process in the industry, without expensive production stoppages. “The award was given out at the Paper & Biorefinery conference in Graz in Austria,” says Björn Sjöstrand.
Björn Sjöstrand, senior lecturer in Chemical Engineering, has been awarded the Heinzel-Mondi-Sappi Award for his research on the virtual paper machine. His research makes it possible to optimise and test the manufacturing process in the industry, without expensive production stoppages. “The award was given out at the Paper & Biorefinery conference in Graz in Austria,” says Björn Sjöstrand.
Björn Sjöstrand, senior lecturer in Chemical Engineering, has been awarded the Heinzel-Mondi-Sappi Award for his research on the virtual paper machine. His research makes it possible to optimise and test the manufacturing process in the industry, without expensive production stoppages. “The award was given out at the Paper & Biorefinery conference in Graz in Austria,” says Björn Sjöstrand.

Welcome, Rainey Lyons

News » 2022-06-13
Rainey Lyons has joined Karlstad University and the mathematics department. Rainey has previously worked for University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA, where he worked in a subfield of mathematical biology looking at structured population dynamics set in a space of Radon measures. - I was changing the setting of which we do this modelling to a more abstract object than a function, says Rainey Lyons.

Welcome, Rainey Lyons

News » 2022-06-13
Rainey Lyons has joined Karlstad University and the mathematics department. Rainey has previously worked for University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA, where he worked in a subfield of mathematical biology looking at structured population dynamics set in a space of Radon measures. - I was changing the setting of which we do this modelling to a more abstract object than a function, says Rainey Lyons.
Why are discussions of whether you had to wait alone in your friends’ room while they ate dinner with their families, pushing away discussions about more important issues in the internet? Charlotte Bäccman, senior lecturer in Psychology, explains. A war is being fought in Ukraine, Sweden are approximately 100 days away from an election, climate change is an enormous challenge and the energy prices are skyrocketing.
Why are discussions of whether you had to wait alone in your friends’ room while they ate dinner with their families, pushing away discussions about more important issues in the internet? Charlotte Bäccman, senior lecturer in Psychology, explains. A war is being fought in Ukraine, Sweden are approximately 100 days away from an election, climate change is an enormous challenge and the energy prices are skyrocketing.
Have you ever felt frustrated with all the technology surrounding you? You are not alone. In his book Rethinking Communication Geographies, André Jansson, professor of Media and Communication Studies, has compiled his research on a subject that is relevant to our digital everyday lives. The school must be notified about sick children. Travel plans must be made. The tax returns must be finished on time.
Have you ever felt frustrated with all the technology surrounding you? You are not alone. In his book Rethinking Communication Geographies, André Jansson, professor of Media and Communication Studies, has compiled his research on a subject that is relevant to our digital everyday lives. The school must be notified about sick children. Travel plans must be made. The tax returns must be finished on time.
Coaching via text messages can contribute to healthier habits and a better sense of well-being. This is shown in a study where researchers at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, together with Friskvården i Värmland, have examined how digital services can complement physical meetings and facilitate behavioural change. Changing your habits to a healthier way of life is not easy.
Coaching via text messages can contribute to healthier habits and a better sense of well-being. This is shown in a study where researchers at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, together with Friskvården i Värmland, have examined how digital services can complement physical meetings and facilitate behavioural change. Changing your habits to a healthier way of life is not easy.
Live case studies are a good way to learn and provide a feeling of being in a professional setting. In the course Business Development from a Process and Partnership Perspective, students at Karlstad Business School have been given the opportunity to collaborate with several organisations. Students have been helping to map out business processes and develop improved work procedures using digitalisation.
Live case studies are a good way to learn and provide a feeling of being in a professional setting. In the course Business Development from a Process and Partnership Perspective, students at Karlstad Business School have been given the opportunity to collaborate with several organisations. Students have been helping to map out business processes and develop improved work procedures using digitalisation.
The digitalisation of both industry and the wider society has only just begun. Communication technology and cellular networks are key factors for the digital transformation and will shape our lives in the coming decade. The project DRIVE has just been launched at Karlstad University and it will last eight years. Latency is the delay that occur in digital services when they are connected online.
The digitalisation of both industry and the wider society has only just begun. Communication technology and cellular networks are key factors for the digital transformation and will shape our lives in the coming decade. The project DRIVE has just been launched at Karlstad University and it will last eight years. Latency is the delay that occur in digital services when they are connected online.
The digitalisation of both industry and the wider society has only just begun. Communication technology and cellular networks are key factors for the digital transformation and will shape our lives in the coming decade. The project DRIVE has just been launched at Karlstad University and it will last eight years. Latency is the delay that occur in digital services when they are connected online.