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Alexander Rodosek, visiting lecturer at Karlstad Business School, works with developing teaching in a pedagogical perspective at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law at the TH Köln University. Can you tell us a more about your work? – You could say that I’m a link between the Academic Development Team (the equivalent to UPE at Karlstad University) och the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law, says Alexander Rodosek.
Alexander Rodosek, visiting lecturer at Karlstad Business School, works with developing teaching in a pedagogical perspective at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law at the TH Köln University. Can you tell us a more about your work? – You could say that I’m a link between the Academic Development Team (the equivalent to UPE at Karlstad University) och the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law, says Alexander Rodosek.
The music industry spends a lot of resources on creating innovative concert experiences, and the relationship between the musicians and their fans. With the show Abba Voyage, a giant step is taken towards developing and transforming an already digital industry.
The music industry spends a lot of resources on creating innovative concert experiences, and the relationship between the musicians and their fans. With the show Abba Voyage, a giant step is taken towards developing and transforming an already digital industry.
The music industry spends a lot of resources on creating innovative concert experiences, and the relationship between the musicians and their fans. With the show Abba Voyage, a giant step is taken towards developing and transforming an already digital industry.
The music industry spends a lot of resources on creating innovative concert experiences, and the relationship between the musicians and their fans. With the show Abba Voyage, a giant step is taken towards developing and transforming an already digital industry.
Coming from a region where music plays a big role in our lives – think about ABBA, Roxette, and Avicii – it seems inevitable that we became intrigued by the swift pace of innovation within the music industry. In a couple of decades, music production and consumption have moved from LPs to cassettes and CDs, to music piracy and digital files, and most recently to streaming services.
Coming from a region where music plays a big role in our lives – think about ABBA, Roxette, and Avicii – it seems inevitable that we became intrigued by the swift pace of innovation within the music industry. In a couple of decades, music production and consumption have moved from LPs to cassettes and CDs, to music piracy and digital files, and most recently to streaming services.
The Academic Celebration is one of the biggest events of the year at Karlstad University and a long-standing tradition. On 14 October it is time again – with great pomp and ceremony we will confer degrees on new doctors and honorary doctors and inaugurate our new professors. We will also pay attention to this year’s docents and adjunct professors. Freedom – a beautiful word with so many meanings that we, living in Sweden, often take for granted.
Per Skålén, Professor of Business Administration, is one of the authors behind the article “Marketing-as-practice: A framework and research agenda for value-creating marketing activity” published in Marketing Theory. In the article, the researchers approach marketing in a new way. – Marketing has traditionally focused on company resources and how these can create value.
Per Skålén, Professor of Business Administration, is one of the authors behind the article “Marketing-as-practice: A framework and research agenda for value-creating marketing activity” published in Marketing Theory. In the article, the researchers approach marketing in a new way. – Marketing has traditionally focused on company resources and how these can create value.
Per Skålén, Professor of Business Administration, is one of the authors behind the article “Marketing-as-practice: A framework and research agenda for value-creating marketing activity” published in Marketing Theory. In the article, the researchers approach marketing in a new way. – Marketing has traditionally focused on company resources and how these can create value.
On 22-25 September, the Gothenburg Book Fair returns to the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre and welcomes international and national authors and a book-loving audience hungry for new knowledge. This year, Karlstad University is one of the organisers at Forskartorget, and Helén Williams and Fredrik Wikström participates in the programme. Stoppa matsvinnet! – en förpackad lösning(Stop food waste!
On 22-25 September, the Gothenburg Book Fair returns to the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre and welcomes international and national authors and a book-loving audience hungry for new knowledge. This year, Karlstad University is one of the organisers at Forskartorget, and Helén Williams and Fredrik Wikström participates in the programme. Stoppa matsvinnet! – en förpackad lösning(Stop food waste!
Where did you work previously? - I worked as a postdoc at the Centre for Industrial Mathematics at the University of Bremen in Germany. How did you come in contact with mathematics at Karlstad University? - Adrian Muntean was one of my PhD supervisors.
Where did you work previously? - I worked as a postdoc at the Centre for Industrial Mathematics at the University of Bremen in Germany. How did you come in contact with mathematics at Karlstad University? - Adrian Muntean was one of my PhD supervisors.
Tourism, popular culture and media - Stijn Reijnders has an interdisciplinary approach to examining the role and meaning of locations in popular culture. Stijn Reijnders is a full professor of Cultural Heritage, specialised in tourism and popular culture. He is active at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and his research is focused on the intersection of media, culture and tourism.
Tourism, popular culture and media - Stijn Reijnders has an interdisciplinary approach to examining the role and meaning of locations in popular culture. Stijn Reijnders is a full professor of Cultural Heritage, specialised in tourism and popular culture. He is active at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and his research is focused on the intersection of media, culture and tourism.

Hello there, Anna Nilstomt...

News » 2022-09-13
… you have recently been in Bratislava and presented research at EHPS 2022. Can you tell us about the conference? - That’s right! I attended the international health psychology conference “36th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society”, which was held at the end of August. The annual conference is organised by the European Health Psychology Society, which aims to promote research and application of health psychology.