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Seke Chainda, a student in the Biology Master's Program at Karlstad University, has been named Global Swede of 2019. On May 21 he was celebrated, together with other Global Swede students, at a ceremony at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. On May 21 the distinction Global Swede was conferred on twenty-six international top students from Swedish institutions of higher education.
Seke Chainda, a student in the Biology Master's Program at Karlstad University, has been named Global Swede of 2019. On May 21 he was celebrated, together with other Global Swede students, at a ceremony at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. On May 21 the distinction Global Swede was conferred on twenty-six international top students from Swedish institutions of higher education.
SQuaD (Software Quality and Digital Modernisation) is the new name of what used to be called SERG (the Software Engineering Research Group), one of the three research areas in Computer Science at Karlstad University. "We are, of course, still software engineers at heart.
SQuaD (Software Quality and Digital Modernisation) is the new name of what used to be called SERG (the Software Engineering Research Group), one of the three research areas in Computer Science at Karlstad University. "We are, of course, still software engineers at heart.
This article, by CTF-researchers Fredrik Wikström, Helén Williams and Jakob Trischler, aims to analyse the most important packaging functions that affect food waste in households for different products, as the reason for wastage can be expected to differ between different products. The United Nations sustainability goal SDG 12.3 is to reduce the amount of food that is wasted by half, due to environmental and social reasons.
This article, by CTF-researchers Fredrik Wikström, Helén Williams and Jakob Trischler, aims to analyse the most important packaging functions that affect food waste in households for different products, as the reason for wastage can be expected to differ between different products. The United Nations sustainability goal SDG 12.3 is to reduce the amount of food that is wasted by half, due to environmental and social reasons.
Karlstad University is testing a new evacuation plan in Building 21 (Vänern). The first person to arrive at the place where the evacuation vest and instructions are placed may evacuate the premises. This applies to staff as well as students. The plan entails that there are trained evacuation leaders, but if they are not present when the fire alarm sounds, others need to take the lead in evacuating the premises.
Having the opportunity to practise arguing a case in a complex tax dispute and doing it in the premises of the Administrative Court is worth a great deal for the future professional role.
Having the opportunity to practise arguing a case in a complex tax dispute and doing it in the premises of the Administrative Court is worth a great deal for the future professional role.
Computer Science at Karlstad University is now recruiting four new doctoral students. Three of the projects are focused on the development of digital healthcare services and one on reinforcing the department’s work on cloud services. DigitalWell Arena is a large investment in the development of digital healthcare services.
Computer Science at Karlstad University is now recruiting four new doctoral students. Three of the projects are focused on the development of digital healthcare services and one on reinforcing the department’s work on cloud services. DigitalWell Arena is a large investment in the development of digital healthcare services.