News archive

We have an increasing awareness regarding our environment. According to the United Nations panel for assessing the science related to climate change (IPCC), global warming needs to be reduced by 1.5 degrees, which requires substantial changes of organisational and individual behaviour. Currently, 1.3 billion tons of food – the equivalent of 30 percent of the world’s agricultural production – is thrown away.
We have an increasing awareness regarding our environment. According to the United Nations panel for assessing the science related to climate change (IPCC), global warming needs to be reduced by 1.5 degrees, which requires substantial changes of organisational and individual behaviour. Currently, 1.3 billion tons of food – the equivalent of 30 percent of the world’s agricultural production – is thrown away.
Statistically, 1–2 pupils in each primary school class are highly gifted. This means that these pupils usually can learn and remember new information more easily, and can process it more quickly than their classmates can. How should teachers adapt their teaching so that these pupils also are stimulated and can develop?
The university library have a 3 month trial period of journals from The Royal Society During the trial it is possible to access the 10 journals in Royal Society Package S: Philosophical Transactions A Philosophical Transactions B Proceedings A Proceedings B Biology Letters Journal of Royal Society Interface Interface Focus Notes and Records Open Biology (Open access) Royal Society Open Science (Open access) Search journals
The university library have a 3 month trial period of journals from The Royal Society During the trial it is possible to access the 10 journals in Royal Society Package S: Philosophical Transactions A Philosophical Transactions B Proceedings A Proceedings B Biology Letters Journal of Royal Society Interface Interface Focus Notes and Records Open Biology (Open access) Royal Society Open Science (Open access) Search journals
The online course "Servitization" will start in August 2019. Servitization, also called service infusion or service-product systems, is a highly important issue for many manufacturing companies around the world. If servitization is important and crucial for your organizational development, then this course is for you. Servitization (6 ECTS credits) is a web-based course at master’s level developed for professionals working with or having an interest in servitization.
The online course "Servitization" will start in August 2019. Servitization, also called service infusion or service-product systems, is a highly important issue for many manufacturing companies around the world. If servitization is important and crucial for your organizational development, then this course is for you. Servitization (6 ECTS credits) is a web-based course at master’s level developed for professionals working with or having an interest in servitization.
How do we increase the pace of the transition to a sustainable bioeconomy? What are the driving forces and what do the challenges look like? Some are about innovation and new technological solutions, but equally important is to change rules and frameworks at the global, national and regional level. That people need to meet and exchange knowledge, experiences and build networks is a necessity.
How do we increase the pace of the transition to a sustainable bioeconomy? What are the driving forces and what do the challenges look like? Some are about innovation and new technological solutions, but equally important is to change rules and frameworks at the global, national and regional level. That people need to meet and exchange knowledge, experiences and build networks is a necessity.
The cocktail of man-made chemicals that we are exposed to daily is a health risk which current regulations and risk assessment overlook. This is the conclusion of the EU Horizon 2020 EDC-MixRisk project that is now being presented. We are exposed to a large number of man-made chemicals in our everyday life. This creates combinations of chemical mixtures, to which we are subjected during our whole lifespan.
The cocktail of man-made chemicals that we are exposed to daily is a health risk which current regulations and risk assessment overlook. This is the conclusion of the EU Horizon 2020 EDC-MixRisk project that is now being presented. We are exposed to a large number of man-made chemicals in our everyday life. This creates combinations of chemical mixtures, to which we are subjected during our whole lifespan.
Network meeting, guest lecture, part of course – and what's more, co-production of knowledge. When process orientation in practice was on the agenda, around 50 participants from different companies, organisations and Business School IT students attended the meeting. On 8 March, students and professionals spent the whole morning focusing on process orientation, digitization and how best to create value.
Network meeting, guest lecture, part of course – and what's more, co-production of knowledge. When process orientation in practice was on the agenda, around 50 participants from different companies, organisations and Business School IT students attended the meeting. On 8 March, students and professionals spent the whole morning focusing on process orientation, digitization and how best to create value.
A new project on needs-driven research and development of methods and tools for IT-supported crisis management training was recently granted 4.8 million Swedish krona from the EU’s regional development fund Interreg.
A new project on needs-driven research and development of methods and tools for IT-supported crisis management training was recently granted 4.8 million Swedish krona from the EU’s regional development fund Interreg.
The world needs more efficient energy systems based on renewable raw material, an equation not easily solved. At Karlstad University, research and education are in progress to find sustainable energy systems, for instance, through a project in which pellets replace charcoal in cooking solutions in Zambia, because cooking with charcoal as fuel leads to extensive deforestation as well as health hazards.
The world needs more efficient energy systems based on renewable raw material, an equation not easily solved. At Karlstad University, research and education are in progress to find sustainable energy systems, for instance, through a project in which pellets replace charcoal in cooking solutions in Zambia, because cooking with charcoal as fuel leads to extensive deforestation as well as health hazards.
The world needs more efficient energy systems based on renewable raw material, an equation not easily solved. At Karlstad University, research and education are in progress to find sustainable energy systems, for instance, through a project in which pellets replace charcoal in cooking solutions in Zambia, because cooking with charcoal as fuel leads to extensive deforestation as well as health hazards.