News archive

Digital services and platforms were in focus when CTF and Cambridge Service Alliance held a seminar at Cambridge University. Researchers and industrial partners presented current projects and future challenges. It was a successful event where academia and practitioners met to exchange experiences and insights. Dr.
Digital services and platforms were in focus when CTF and Cambridge Service Alliance held a seminar at Cambridge University. Researchers and industrial partners presented current projects and future challenges. It was a successful event where academia and practitioners met to exchange experiences and insights. Dr.
Service innovation is a concept that, for the last decade, has received increased attention both among academics as well as practitioners. But it is not easy to understand what the concept means, and why it is important.
Service innovation is a concept that, for the last decade, has received increased attention both among academics as well as practitioners. But it is not easy to understand what the concept means, and why it is important.
Congratulations to Lars E. Olsson, Associate Professor of Psychology, for the CIM Best Reviewer Award 2018! The award is presented by the journal Creativity and Innovation Management, with the motivation: "Lars receives this year's CIM Review Award because his numerous reviews in 2018 have shown true commitment and excellent quality for the CIM journal.
Congratulations to Lars E. Olsson, Associate Professor of Psychology, for the CIM Best Reviewer Award 2018! The award is presented by the journal Creativity and Innovation Management, with the motivation: "Lars receives this year's CIM Review Award because his numerous reviews in 2018 have shown true commitment and excellent quality for the CIM journal.

Lars Järnström is retiring

News » 2019-04-17
Lars Järnström, professor of coating technology, came to Karlstad University in 1999 and has been involved in building the current strong research environment for fibre-based processes and products. Now retirement is approaching but he will continue working at the university as senior professor. Lars Järnström's research centres mainly on environment-friendly surface treatment of fibre-based packaging materials.

Lars Järnström is retiring

News » 2019-04-17
Lars Järnström, professor of coating technology, came to Karlstad University in 1999 and has been involved in building the current strong research environment for fibre-based processes and products. Now retirement is approaching but he will continue working at the university as senior professor. Lars Järnström's research centres mainly on environment-friendly surface treatment of fibre-based packaging materials.

Lars Järnström is retiring

News » 2019-04-17
Lars Järnström, professor of coating technology, came to Karlstad University in 1999 and has been involved in building the current strong research environment for fibre-based processes and products. Now retirement is approaching but he will continue working at the university as senior professor. Lars Järnström's research centres mainly on environment-friendly surface treatment of fibre-based packaging materials.
CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, seeks a Senior Lecturer in Business Administration with specialisation in marketing to further develop and strengthen CTF's research in the field. The appointed senior lecturer will be connected to ongoing research at CTF. The position includes a research component, at least 50% of full-time, that will be financed through one of the externally funded research projects conducted at CTF.
CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, seeks a Senior Lecturer in Business Administration with specialisation in marketing to further develop and strengthen CTF's research in the field. The appointed senior lecturer will be connected to ongoing research at CTF. The position includes a research component, at least 50% of full-time, that will be financed through one of the externally funded research projects conducted at CTF.
On March 28-29, researchers Katrin Lättman and Margareta Friman participated in the BEST Annual Seminar 2019 in Helsinki, Finland, where they presented current research on the travel habits of different life stages, with focus on the elderly.
On March 28-29, researchers Katrin Lättman and Margareta Friman participated in the BEST Annual Seminar 2019 in Helsinki, Finland, where they presented current research on the travel habits of different life stages, with focus on the elderly.

Full speed ahead in Ozlab

News » 2019-04-08
The usability lab, Ozlab, has been frequently occupied this spring, among other thins for eyetracking-surveys, updating of the manual and introductionfilms. From the latter half of January we had two German students as internships for 10 weeks, Antonia Appel and Jakob Kümmerle, from DHBW, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg. They helped students conducting various projects on undergraduate and master level with eyetracking equipment.

Full speed ahead in Ozlab

News » 2019-04-08
The usability lab, Ozlab, has been frequently occupied this spring, among other thins for eyetracking-surveys, updating of the manual and introductionfilms. From the latter half of January we had two German students as internships for 10 weeks, Antonia Appel and Jakob Kümmerle, from DHBW, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg. They helped students conducting various projects on undergraduate and master level with eyetracking equipment.
On March 27-29, the Swedish research school of Management and IT (MIT) held the 2019 Spring Conference at Karlstad University, hosted by CTF, Service Research Center and Karlstad Business School.
On March 27-29, the Swedish research school of Management and IT (MIT) held the 2019 Spring Conference at Karlstad University, hosted by CTF, Service Research Center and Karlstad Business School.
On March 27-29, the Swedish research school of Management and IT (MIT) held the 2019 Spring Conference at Karlstad University, hosted by CTF, Service Research Center and Karlstad Business School.
CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, seeks a Professor in Business Administration with marketing specialization to further develop and strengthen CTF's research in the field. The appointed professor will be linked to ongoing research at CTF, and at least 50% of duties involve research financed by one of the presently externally funded projects at CTF – to be decided on the basis of the successful candidate’s research profile.
CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, seeks a Professor in Business Administration with marketing specialization to further develop and strengthen CTF's research in the field. The appointed professor will be linked to ongoing research at CTF, and at least 50% of duties involve research financed by one of the presently externally funded projects at CTF – to be decided on the basis of the successful candidate’s research profile.