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Guaranteeing that information does not leak is one of the challenges of centralising logs. Researchers at Karlstad University have now developed a technical solution for transporting logs via cloud services in a simple, secure way. “There are different techniques for protecting logs when they are centralised. One could for example encrypt them, verify that nobody has changed them, and verify that the logs come from a specific device.
Guaranteeing that information does not leak is one of the challenges of centralising logs. Researchers at Karlstad University have now developed a technical solution for transporting logs via cloud services in a simple, secure way. “There are different techniques for protecting logs when they are centralised. One could for example encrypt them, verify that nobody has changed them, and verify that the logs come from a specific device.
Landless crofters, the subaltern, and those who lost their land in inheritance cases. In the poor houses, in the city slums. What did it mean not to own land and the vital rights that were connected to it? How could crofters influence their lives or their financial situations? How do we find these “invisible” workers who rented rooms in the cities?
Landless crofters, the subaltern, and those who lost their land in inheritance cases. In the poor houses, in the city slums. What did it mean not to own land and the vital rights that were connected to it? How could crofters influence their lives or their financial situations? How do we find these “invisible” workers who rented rooms in the cities?
In a recent study, researchers Johan Högberg and Erik Wästlund at CTF, Service Research Center, have developed a new tool that can measure users’ experiences while using a gamified service. The measuring tool, Gamefulquest, makes it possible to measure a user’s experience while using a gamified service. "With the help of this tool we can investigate how different game elements affect the gameful experience and create an understanding for how different implementations of g
In a recent study, researchers Johan Högberg and Erik Wästlund at CTF, Service Research Center, have developed a new tool that can measure users’ experiences while using a gamified service. The measuring tool, Gamefulquest, makes it possible to measure a user’s experience while using a gamified service. "With the help of this tool we can investigate how different game elements affect the gameful experience and create an understanding for how different implementations of g
Ikea is the most innovative company on the Swedish market followed by MTR Express and Netflix in second and third place. This is according to the Swedish Innovation Index, a new index which focuses on innovation from the customers’ perspective, developed by researchers at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, Sweden. There are different types of innovation and different ways to measure innovation.
Ikea is the most innovative company on the Swedish market followed by MTR Express and Netflix in second and third place. This is according to the Swedish Innovation Index, a new index which focuses on innovation from the customers’ perspective, developed by researchers at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, Sweden. There are different types of innovation and different ways to measure innovation.
Ikea is the most innovative company on the Swedish market followed by MTR Express and Netflix in second and third place. This is according to the Swedish Innovation Index, a new index which focuses on innovation from the customers’ perspective, developed by researchers at CTF, Service Research Center at Karlstad University, Sweden. There are different types of innovation and different ways to measure innovation.
Carbon based nano materials such as graphene and carbon nanotubes were predicted a brilliant future when they were discovered. But quality problems curb the development of new products. The problem is that it is difficult to analyse the crystal structure and there are no established standard methods for classifying the materials.
Carbon based nano materials such as graphene and carbon nanotubes were predicted a brilliant future when they were discovered. But quality problems curb the development of new products. The problem is that it is difficult to analyse the crystal structure and there are no established standard methods for classifying the materials.
Carbon based nano materials such as graphene and carbon nanotubes were predicted a brilliant future when they were discovered. But quality problems curb the development of new products. The problem is that it is difficult to analyse the crystal structure and there are no established standard methods for classifying the materials.
In a recently published CTF article, researchers Frida Skarin, Lars E. Olsson, Margareta Friman and Erik Wästlund address the factors that affect behavioral changes in public transport. The researchers have studied a two-week free public transportation-trial where people, who fulfilled certain criteria, were allowed to travel free of charge by public transport for two weeks.
In a recently published CTF article, researchers Frida Skarin, Lars E. Olsson, Margareta Friman and Erik Wästlund address the factors that affect behavioral changes in public transport. The researchers have studied a two-week free public transportation-trial where people, who fulfilled certain criteria, were allowed to travel free of charge by public transport for two weeks.
Karlstad University is the only Swedish university participating in a new large European research and innovation project under Horizon 2020. The aim of the project is to enhance cybersecurity skills in Europe. “We have a high profile in security and integrity protection techniques.
Karlstad University is the only Swedish university participating in a new large European research and innovation project under Horizon 2020. The aim of the project is to enhance cybersecurity skills in Europe. “We have a high profile in security and integrity protection techniques.
Read new blog post by PhD Student Josina Vink. Service design is gaining increasing interest and investment in healthcare. This can be seen by the proliferation of design labs popping up in healthcare organizations around the globe.
Read new blog post by PhD Student Josina Vink. Service design is gaining increasing interest and investment in healthcare. This can be seen by the proliferation of design labs popping up in healthcare organizations around the globe.

One moment Johan Netz...

News » 2019-02-28
In early February, you and Jörg Pareigis participated in the conference ”ICDE Lifelong Learning Summit” in Lillehammer, Norway. Can you tell us about the conference? - The conference is a meeting place where academia, the public and private sector meet to discuss the challenges around disseminating knowledge for lifelong learning.

One moment Johan Netz...

News » 2019-02-28
In early February, you and Jörg Pareigis participated in the conference ”ICDE Lifelong Learning Summit” in Lillehammer, Norway. Can you tell us about the conference? - The conference is a meeting place where academia, the public and private sector meet to discuss the challenges around disseminating knowledge for lifelong learning.